Chapter 12: End if an Era: Fire God Liu Kang

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That person is Liu Kang, but he has drastically changed in appearance. He appears fully human, but his hair is now grey, his eyes glowing electric blue, his tattoos generating electricity and his body generating flames. Raiden's hat is on his back, and his trousers now have a blue shade on them as opposed to red. His bandanna is now metallic and he wears a necklace of beads.

Liu Kang stands to his feet, looking at his outstretched hands, in awe at his new powers. He closes them into fists and puts them back down at his side.

Scorpion, Sub Zero, Manado and Jax all begin to walk forward. Kung Lao teleports onto the deck from his ship and Kitana and Younger Manado jumps over from theirs, landing next to Kharon. All of them take in the sight of the radically changed Liu Kang.

"Liu Kang?" Sub Zero asks.

"I am..." Fire God Liu Kang says.

He then stops pulsating with electricity and fire, but his eyes are now bright blue, as are his tattoos.

"...and I am not." Fire God Liu Kang finishes.

"What happened to Raiden?" Jax asks.

"He is part of me. Bound to my soul. He... made me a god. For now, at least." Fire God Liu Kang explains.

"A god? Incredible." Kitana says.

"Now he's out of her league." Kung Lao says to himself.

"My revenant counterpart. I have absorbed his knowledge of the Keep, of Kronika's plan. I know where to find the hourglass. We can beat Kronika." Fire God Liu Kang explains.

Manado then steps back.

"Since you received your power up Liu Kang, it's time that I show mine." Manado says.

"What do you mean, Manado?" Fire God Liu Kang asks.

"Observe." Manado replies.

His hands then give out a bright glow of energy similar to his soul energy only that it's red instead of green. Suddenly, black smoke begins to envelop his body until he is no longer visible. Moments go by until the black smoke explodes revealing Manado's Nightmare form roaring in the air with his arms hanging up. He then stops roaring and faces the other warriors. Saying that the warriors are shocked would be an understatement. They are left absolutely speechless at what they are seeing. Kitana ends the silence by speaking out.

"Manado?" Kitana asks.

Manado, now Nightmare, looks towards where Kitana is.

"I'm here, Kitana. I'm fine." Nightmare assures.

"What sorcery is this?" Sub Zero asks.

"This is the result of Shang Tsung's experiments." Nightmare explains.

Younger Manado cannot believe what he is seeing in front of him.

"Are you saying that I can turn into what you are now?" Younger Manado asks.

"Indeed, my younger self. But we'll resolve that later." Nightmare says.

"What now?" Kung Lao asks.

"Now we head to Kronika's keep, win this battle and restore the timeline." Nightmare says.

Back in Kronika's Keep, both she and Cetrion look upon the chair that once bound Liu Kang. Kronika is wide eyed and more perplexed than she has ever been before.

"Out of desperation comes invention. I had not thought it possible for Raiden to surprise me." Kronika says.

She then addresses Cetrion without even looking at her.

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