Chapter 27-Riley

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Caleb and I spend as much time together from that point on as we can. The seasons seem to fade into a blur, and before I know it, it's Spring. Caleb turned 20, and I snuck him some cake for his birthday, store bought cake. He spit it out while laughing and said he appreciated the thought, but it was just too sweet.

 My parents have laid off me some, they don't seem to question why I am gone so much anymore, because I managed to raise my grades up a little, thanks to help from Caleb.

He is so much smarter than his parents give him credit for. Caleb has managed to keep us hidden, but he feels guilty about it.

I finished the drawing of Caleb. I gave it to him and he said it was the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for him. He said he keeps it tucked away under his mattress now, so nobody will find it.

As for Melissa, she still doesn't know who my "mystery man" is. I give her as many details as I can without giving it all away. She has found herself a boyfriend as well, his name is Brandon, and they have gotten pretty serious, so she spends quite a bit of her time with him. I am happy for her, she deserves a true happy relationship.

Owen, he has tried to fool me into thinking he has moved on, he wants me to be jealous. He has some tiny Junior wrapped around his finger, but I know they aren't serious because anytime he passes me in the hall, he stares at me, and he still texts me every once in a while asking me to dinner or to a movie.

I have been teaching Caleb as much as I can about English life. He loves to hold me in his lap, and trace my tattoos while I talk. Oh yeah, I got two more tattoos, a paintbrush on my back to show how much I love art, and a butterfly on my ankle.

It's a typical Tuesday afternoon after school, and Caleb and I are doing just that, me sitting in his lap while he traces my tattoos, when an idea strikes me.

"Caleb, how would you feel about getting a small tattoo in a hidden area?"

He looks at me as if I have grown another head. 

"You know that would never be allowed, my father would shun me."

"Not if he didn't find out, when I got my first tattoo, I got it on my hip so my parents couldn't see it, and they still don't know about it."

He bites his lip.

"I have never seen that one either."

I blush.

Caleb has gotten less shy in these past few months as we have gotten used to one another. We still haven't made love though, but that's okay, I will wait until he is comfortable.

Caleb smiles.

"Riley, I have really been thinking about something lately, something that has been weighing on my mind recently."

This might not be good.

"What's that?"

"My father is wanting me to get baptized, so I will officially be a member of the church."

He looks down at the ground, as if he is afraid of what he is saying.

I don't speak, I just wait for him to continue.

"Riley, what if that isn't what I want?"

"Caleb, what do you mean? That is your family."

"Yes, but I have been spending so much time with you, and it has been amazing, and I don't want to lose you."

"Caleb, where is this coming from?"

"Riley, if I join the church we would never be able to be together. I would have to get married and shun all English life. I want to be with you, and I will give everything I know up if it means I can be with you. You mean more to me than anyone I have ever known, I love you Riley."

Tears of joy begin to fill my eyes.

"I love you too Caleb."

We spend the rest of the day kissing and cuddling. 

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