Chapter 12-Caleb

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It's morning. I am doing my usual chores, I was able to get home last night without my father suspecting anything. I milk the cows but today my mind is preoccupied.

Thoughts of Riley flood my mind, no matter how much I try and stop them. I have to know if she made it home safely.

Yes, that's the only reason I care, just being a friendly citizen, nothing more. I have to quit thinking about her, back to chores and work. Maybe later I'll sneak to the abandoned house and try to find a new book.

"Caleb." I hear my fathers voice

"Yes father?"

"What are you so lost in thought about, you know an idle mind is the Devil's workshop."

I think of a quick lie.

"Nothing father, just thinking of a way to get my chores done quicker so I have more time for prayer."

This seems to work, because my fathers eyes light up.

"Son, I really wish you would find a partner to take care of you, you are getting to that age, you and Abel both."

 I just nod and finish up with the cows.

Abel quietly walks over to me.

"What gives, Caleb, I know you're not yourself today, you aren't yourself at all."

I am starting to become annoyed but I take a deep breath to control my feelings, is everyone on to me, or am I just that transparent?

"Abel, I am fine, I just didn't get the best of rest last night, so my mind is a little scrambled."

He frowns at me.

"Yeah, I can't believe you would lie to me, lying is a sin and you and I trust each other, or so I thought."

He almost looks hurt.

I lower my voice and make sure father is gone.

"Abel, if I tell you the truth you mustn't repeat it, not to anyone, got it?"

Abel lights up and nods profusely.

I sigh.

"Alright, so last night I was feeling a little melancholy, so I went out for a ride, well I came upon an English automobile on the side of the road, it had crashed."

Abel looks at me with wide eyes.

I continue.

"So I stop and try to offer my assistance as much as I can, considering we know nothing about English technology."

 I take a rag and wipe sweat off my forehead.

"Well, inside there was a...a beautiful woman."

The words come out in almost a whisper.

Abel looks at me in shock or horror, I cannot tell which.

"She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you know my heart doesn't swoon easily."

Abel finally speaks.

"So what happened Caleb?"

"Well, I gave her directions on how to get where she was going. She wasn't badly hurt, and she declined any medical attention, but when she left I felt strange."

 "Strange how?"

"Like I missed her, and longed for her, I wanted to know everything there was to know about this woman, and I wanted to protect her."

Abel gulps and then speaks.

"So, did you find out anything?"

"All I know is her name is Riley Lewis and she is 18, she is still studying at school, as you know, the English study longer than we."

Abel nods.

"I think you should try to forget her, Caleb, it will bring this family nothing but heartache, and you know next to nothing about her, how do you even know she returns your affections, she could be spoken for already."

"Well, I know the English use a ring to show their commitment, and I don't recall seeing any ring on her."

Abel looks at me as if I am a fool.

 "Caleb, that isn't the point. The point is, this is a bad idea in every way shape and form."

"Abel, when have you ever seen me so overtaken with emotion?"

I wait for him to answer, but he doesn't so I continue.

"Exactly, never. So I think I owe it to myself to try and find happiness in this life, and I think my happiness somehow lies with Riley."

Abel looks at me with concern all over his expression.

"Caleb, please don't do this. Following this girl will destroy you, and the family in the process."

I shake my head.

"You are wrong, Abel. I will find her." 

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