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Everything was going amazing.

We were so happy with each other.

Little did we know that this was the beginning of it all.


Me and Jungwon were lying in my bed, watching one of our favorite shows together.

I could tell something was seriously bothering Jungwon. He kept holding his stomach, and he looked exhausted.

"Are you okay Wonnie?" I ask, concerned for my boyfriend.

"Yeah-" He cut himself off with a wince, holding his head.

"Are you really okay? What's wrong?" I ask, a little more worried.

"It's just...my stomach and my head have been killing me. I've also just felt so tired... I think I'm too stressed out."

"What's been stressing you out? Is anything going on?" I ask.

"My teachers have been pulling work and projects on us all month and it's exhausting. I think that's what's stressing me out." He says.

"Oh...try and take it easy, okay? If you ever need help with anything please ask me, because I'll be more than willing to help." I say.

"Thank you, Jay." He says smiling.

"Wait here, I'm getting you some pain meds."

"You really don't have to, I'm fine."

"Nope. You're taking pain meds to help with the pain." I say.

I get up and walk out of the room before Jungwon can protest again.

I quickly go downstairs and grab a few pills and a glass of water, before carefully going back up to my room.

When I got back to my room, I didn't see Jungwon on my bed anymore.

"Wonnie?" I call out.

That's when I heard gagging and coughing from in my bathroom.

I set down the pills and water on my nightstand and go into my bathroom.

Jungwon was sitting on the ground next to my toilet puking.

"Oh my god Wonnie, are you okay?!" I ask, kneeling next to him and rubbing his back.

Head still face down above the toilet, he nods yes.

I know he's not okay.

I didn't want to mention anything to him, but I noticed he had started losing weight as well. It wasn't very noticeable, but I could tell.

I stayed with Jungwon until he finally stopped throwing up.

I helped him get up, got him to wash out his mouth, and then helped him change into one of my clean hoodies.

"I think I should go home.." Jungwon says as he stumbles towards my bed.

"Nuh uh, your mom isn't home and I can't let you leave like this Wonnie. I need to make sure you're okay enough for me to even walk you downstairs." I say, laying him down on my bed.

Jungwon groans in protest, but I ignore it and cover him with my blanket.

"What if I get nauseous and puke all over your bed?" He asks.

"Then I'll change the bed and clean whatever you get puke on." I say, picking up the water and pills. "Take these please."

Jungwon reluctantly takes the pills, chugging the water before handing the glass back to me.

"Try and sleep, I'll be right back."

Jungwon nods, bundling up in my blanket and snuggling up to my pillows.


I was so worried for you Wonnie...

That night I made sure you slept well before I took you back home, just in case you ended up not being able to sleep because you didn't feel good.

I had also finished your unfinished assignments that were due while you slept.

I remember you being mad at me because you thought it wasn't fair to me that I was taking care of you AND doing your school work.

You eventually stopped being angry and thanked me, but still scolded me for it.

I just wanted to make sure you got better.


i definitely wasn't crying while writing this😰it's not even that sad...

hope you enjoy..

If you have spotify check out the playlist I made for Butterfly! I put the link kn my message board if you want to listen to it!

Have an amazing day/night and STREAM BITE ME!!

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