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That night, on February 1st...I had a dream of us.

I remember it so clearly.

We were sitting on the sand, looking out at the sunset.

The sunlight reflected off the water.

It was silent.

The only thing you could hear were the waves crashing together.

I had looked over at you, and you were crying.

Your tears match the glistening ocean.

I didn't know why you were crying, but my heart hurt watching the tears run from your eyes.

You were still looking up at the sun when you finally spoke.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?"

I remember being a bit confused, but I answered anyway.

"Yeah..it is."

You finally looked at me.

You looked so beautiful...

With the wind blowing your dark hair...and the sun making your skin glow...and your tear-filled eyes.



"You need to wake up."


"You need to go. You have to wake up."

"What do you mean?"


"I love you."

Why didn't you just let me stay?


I shot up from my sleep in a cold sweat.

Something wasn't right.

Something just feels...wrong.

I look at the time on my phone, which reads 5:54 am.

Maybe I should go check on Jungwon. I could wait on the couch till he wakes up or something.

I quickly change my clothes, sliding on my shoes and grabbing my keys before I head out as quietly as I can to not wake up my parents.

On the drive to the hospital, I hit every green light. It was like the universe wanted me to get there faster.

I made it there after about 12 minutes, jumping out of my car and hurrying inside.

I made my way to the elevator, pressing the button that would take me to the 4th floor.

The second the elevator doors opened, I heard screaming.

It made me nervous...it was a woman's voice.

As I walked closer and closer to Jungwon's room, the screams and cries got louder.

That's when I saw them.

Mrs. Yang was on the floor in the hallway, screaming and crying with Mr. Yang on the ground with her.

Multiple nurses and doctors were going into the room and a nurse with Mr. and Mrs Yang.

My heart stopped.

I slowly walked closer, hearing the sounds of the doctors and nurses inside the room.

"M-...Mr. Yang?.." I say.

Mr. Yang looked up at me.


"What's wrong with Jungwon? Is he okay? Why are there so many doctors in his room?" I ask frantically.

"Jay, he..." He starts, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Jungwon's dead..."


"No...no...he can't be." I say.

Mr. Yang was already crying again, not looking at me anymore.

"I'm sorry sir...he passed this morning...5:53 am.." The nurse says.

That's....that's the minute before I woke up...

I couldn't feel anything...

He's gone...

"Um..there was this paper next to the flowers... I'm pretty sure it's for you." The nurse says, pulling a note out of her shirt pocket and handing it to me.

The front of the note said JAY.

What is this?...


may have teared up a bit writing this...

have an amazing day/night...

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