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Ever since we found out about the short amount of time you had left, I tried to do everything you wanted to do.

Our friends came to visit you a lot more so we could all hang out like we wanted to.

I know they tried their best to be strong for you and try to stay positive, but I could tell they were having a really hard time too.

I tried to stay strong.

For the both of us.


Me and the guys all planned to go visit Jungwon together and bring him a game to play.

He's been having a hard time since his 4th round of chemo, so we wanted to brighten his spirit.

We all decided to bring him some games to play so he wouldn't be bored.

When we all got to the hospital, I could tell some of them looked a bit uneasy. Like, Sunoo and Niki looked nervous to go in.

I know they've had a hard time coming to terms with how long they have left with their best friend.

The other 3 weren't doing so great either.

It's only been a few days, but they all already look like it was his last day.

We all squish into the elevator, Jake pressing the button to the 4th floor.

I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder, so I turned my head to see a very nervous Sunoo.

"Jay...I don't wanna cry in front of Jungwon.." He says.

"Me neither...I don't think I can look at him without tearing up." Nikis admits.

"Guys, it'll be okay. You'll be fine. If you don't think you can keep it in then just go outside for a second, okay?" I say.

They both nod. I turn my head back towards the front when I hear the ding of the elevator, signaling we reached our floor.

We walk out, and down the hallway to Jungwon's room.

"Wait," Sunoo says, stopping the whole group.

"Hm?" I ask.

"How does he look? Like..what's his condition right now?.. I need to know before I go in there..." He asks.

"Um...To be completely honest, he doesn't look like he's doing great.." I say.

"Oh..okay." Sunoo says, and then we continue walking.

We get to Jungwon's room, and we all stop at the door. They all waited for me to open the door, so I slowly did.

We all peek inside and see Jungwon lying in his bed, looking very pale, and very sick.

I heard someone taking a deep breath behind me, then footsteps walking away.

I turn to look and see Heeseung stepping away and leaning against the wall.

"You good?" I whisper.

"Yeah...I just need a second." Heeseung says.

I open the door more, making Jungwon turn towards us.

"Oh, hey guys." He says, attempting to sit up in his bed.

"Hey Wonnie." I say.

"Hey Won! We brought something." Jake says, holding out the game for Jungwon to see.

A smile appears on Jungwon's face seeing the game in Jake's hands and everyone else behind us.

"Niki!" Jungwon says, holding out his arms.

Niki comes up and gently hugs Jungwon.

"I'm sorry I haven't come and seen you as much as I should." Niki says sniffling.

"Are...are you crying?" Jungwon asks giggling.


Jungwon laughs, letting go of Niki to see him tearing up.

It was nice to see him laugh again.

He gave everyone a hug, happy to see their faces.

Heeseung came back in the room, after a few minutes. His eyes were a bit red and puffy clearly from crying, but he acted as if he wasn't.

Heeseung went up and gave Jungwon a hug too.

"Where were you?" Jungwon asks.

"I was using the restroom, sorry.." Heeseung says.

He lets go, wiping his eyes again before going and standing next to Jake again.

"What game did you bring?"

"We brought Monopoly since it's your favorite." Sunghoon says.

We all set up the board and the fake money on the bed, finding spots around the bed so we could all play.

"I call the top hat!" Niki says.

"But that's my favorite piece." Jungwon says.

"Let Wonnie have the hat, Niki. You should be the boat." I say.

"I call the dog!" Jake exclaims.

"I'll be the trash can." Sunghoon says.

"I want the car." Heeseung adds.

"I'll be the boot." I say.

"I guess I'll be the iron." Sunoo says laughing.

The whole time we played the game, Jungwon had a big smile on his face.

I could tell he was truly happy right now.

I'm glad we all decided to come today.


After that, the guys made sure to come with me to visit you a lot more often, seeing you enjoyed having everyone there so much.

I just wish we could've gotten to take you out somewhere instead of having to stay in that hospital room all day.


kinda cute chapter?

have an amazing day/night and STREAM BITE ME‼️

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