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You only got worse from there.

You never left that hospital.

You barely even left your bed.

The doctors were stressing out of their minds trying to find out what was wrong with you.

I was there with you every day, not leaving your side.

Our friends tried coming to visit you often, checking up on you, and trying to bring up your spirit.

I'm sorry we couldn't do more.


It's been a week since Jungwon's been in the hospital.

The doctors ran so many tests on him, and still haven't found anything.

I stayed at the hospital as much as I could when his parents had to leave for a little bit.

Thankfully, the nurses let me stay every night since I was basically a part of the family.

Even they knew someone needed to stay with Jungwon during this.

I also stayed at night so his parents could go home and get good sleep before they had to come back.

Today, Jungwon was having a hard time because he was feeling super sick. I skipped school and stayed at the hospital with him while his parents were at work.

"Jay, you really didn't have to come today. I would've been okay." Jungwon says.

"I didn't have to, I wanted to. I just want to be here to
make sure you're okay Wonnie." I say.

Jungwon was weakly playing with the rings on my fingers.

"The others are coming by later when school is over." I say.

"Really?" He asks, his face lighting up a bit.

"Yeah, they're bringing you stuff too." I add.

"That's so nice.."

Jungwon's small smile grew a bit, making mine grow too.

"We're gonna make sure it's not completely boring for the time you'll be in here, which hopefully isn't for much longer." I say.

"I hope I get to go home soon...I miss my bed already. I especially miss your bed, and getting to cuddle with you." Jungwon says.

"When you get discharged, you can lay in my bed for as long as you want, and we can cuddle for as long as you want too."

"Can we cuddle now?" He asks.

"Will I even fit up there?" I chuckle.

"I'll make you fit."

Jungwon scoots to the edge of his bed, patting the space next to him.

I get up out of the chair I was sitting in and climb into the hospital bed with him.

He cuddles up to me as close as he possibly can, laying his head on my chest. I use the arm he's lying on and stroke his soft brown hair.

"I love you, Jay." He says.

"I love you too Wonnie."


oh lord guys i'm so sorry..🥰

hope you enjoy...

have an amazing day/night and STREAM BITE ME!!!

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