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You looked so...happy.

I could tell you were moving a lot more, you were less pale than before, and you were eating a bit more.

I was happy that you were already starting to feel better, and mostly relieved.

It gave me hope that maybe you will be able to beat this.


I press the button for the 4th floor in the elevator, with a bouquet in hand.

Jungwon's been wanting to go outside ever since the snow melted last week. I thought maybe since he can't go outside, I'd bring some of the outside to him.

Since his birthday is coming up soon, I was also planning on asking the doctors if there was a possibility I could take him out of his hospital room for a little bit, or maybe even take him out to go get him a little cake.

I already have a backup plan if they don't allow it. I'll just bring a mini cake and we can all come and celebrate with him in the room.

I exit the elevator and walk down the hallways to Jungwon's room.

I knock on the door and hear someone telling me to come in.

I crack the door open and peek my head through and see Jungwon lying in his bed on his phone. There was no one else in the room, so I assume his parents had to go somewhere for a bit.

Mr and Mrs Yang have been a little more relaxed knowing Jungwon was starting to feel better.

They were finally able to go back home and sleep in their bed, but they still woke up super early to come and stay with Jungwon after getting in a few hours of sleep.

Jungwon's face lit up when he saw me. He put down his phone and waited for me to come in.

I step into the room, hiding the bouquet behind my back.

"What do you have?" Jungwon asks.

"Ohh nothing," I say. "Just some flowers."

I reveal the bouquet of beautiful sunflowers, making his smile widen even more.

"You got me flowers?!" He asks.

"Maybe." I say, walking over to his bed and handing it to him.

"You remembered."

"How could I forget? I remembered you telling me you liked Sunflowers a while back, so I went and got you some." I say.

Jungwon reaches over for the empty vase next to his bed that used to be filled with flowers his mom got him when he was first admitted.

He gently placed them in the vase before turning back to me.

"Don't they need water?" I ask.

"We can do that in a sec." Jungwon says.

"Oh, okay. By the way, how are you feeling? I noticed you're doing better."

"Yeah, I'm actually feeling pretty good. Other than a bit of stomach pain and the regular symptoms from chemo, I feel better than I did a while ago." He says smiling.

"That's good." I say, smiling back.

Oh right, I forgot.

"I forgot to ask, where are Mr. and Mrs Yang?" I ask.

"They both had super important meetings today. I got them to go home and rest after, so I guess it's just gonna be us today."


I didn't even notice it was already starting to get dark.

We've been talking and messing around for hours, I didn't keep track of time.

"Jay, you should get home before it gets too dark." Jungwon says.

"You're right..but I don't want to leave you here alone. I can just sleep here if your parents are staying home tonight." I say.

"I'll be fine here tonight, just go home for tonight so you don't have to sleep on the couch."


"Jay. I want you to go home and get a good rest for me, okay?" He says, cutting me off.

"Okay." I sigh.

"I'll be okay. You'll see me tomorrow." He says, putting his hand on my cheek.

"Okay...I'll see you tomorrow." I say.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too Wonnie."


That was a lie.

It was all a lie.

You lied to me.



Have an amazing day/night

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