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That day, I almost had a heart attack.

When I got the call from your mom, I only assumed the worst.


It started off as just a regular Thursday.

Jungwon had to stay home again because he was still sick.

I was sitting in my third period, talking to Sunghoon and Jake like I always do. We had all finished our work and had nothing better to do.

Suddenly, my phone started vibrating on the table.

I picked it up and saw Jungwon's mom was calling.

My heart dropped.

Did something bad happen? Is Jungwon okay?

I had no time to leave the room, so I just picked it up where I was.

The whole class was having their own conversations, so no one would notice or even care I was on the phone.

"Hello? Mrs. Yang?" I say.

"Jay! Oh my god, thank god you answered." She says. I could hear the panic in her voice.

"What's wrong? Is Jungwon okay?" I ask.

Sunghoon and Jake look at me confused.

"No, he's not. I had to take him to the hospital and they admitted him into a room already. My first thought was to call you and let you know." She says.

"What?! He's in the hospital?!" I ask, starting to panic.

"What?!" Sunghoon and Jake say.

"Yes. I think he's doing a bit better now."

"I'm coming there right now. I'll be there soon." I say.

"Are you sure you're allowed to leave school?" She asks.

"Yes, they won't care. It's an emergency anyway." I say, already packing up all of my stuff.

"Okay, just please get here safely."

"I will." I say, then hang up the phone.

"Are you going to the hospital?" Sunghoon asks.

"Yes. Jungwon got admitted earlier, so I need to be there." I say, zipping my backpack closed and slinging it on my arm.

"Okay. Please update us if he's okay, and please drive safely." Jake says.

"I will. Please tell the teacher where I'm going, I don't have time to explain to her." I say.

"Okay, go." Jake says.

I thank them, then quickly rush out of the classroom.

I get out to my car, quickly buckling and getting out of the student parking lot.

I tried my best to not let my nerves get the best of me as I drove.

I made it to the hospital after about 15 minutes. I quickly go in and see Jungwon's mom waiting for me near the front.

"Oh Jay, thank god you're here." Mrs. Yang says, bringing me into a quick hug.

"Where's Jungwon? Is he okay?" Can I see him?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's on the second floor." She says.

We got into the elevator and waited the painful 20 seconds before we reached the second floor.

I followed Mrs. Yang down the hallway and into Jungwon's room.

She quietly opens the door, peeking her head inside.

"Hey, baby... Jays here to see you." She says softly.

She then ushers me inside with her.

There Jungwon was, lying in a hospital bed, attached to various machines around him.

He was a bit pale, and his face looked skinnier than before.

"Jay?" Jungwon says.

"Wonnie..." I whisper.

I walk over to his bed, sitting in the empty chair next to it. I grab his hand gently, interlocking our fingers.

I turn back to his mom. "What happened?" I ask.

"He passed out god knows when. He looked like a ghost when I found him, so I called an ambulance and they brought him here." She says.

"Oh my god... Have you been drinking water? Have you been eating enough?" I ask, looking back to Jungwon.

"Yes, I've been trying to." He says.

"He's just gonna be in here for a few hours, right? Like, they'll give him fluids and stuff then send him home?" I ask.

"Well... no... They said they wanted to test him for any viruses and make sure all of his vitals were normal so he could go home. They're keeping him overnight so they can watch him.." Mrs. Yang says.

"Oh..." I say.

"I'm sorry but..we also called you because we have to leave... Can you watch Jungwon for us till we get back?" She asks.

"Of course I can." I say.

"Thank you so much.." Me. Yang says.

I had completely forgotten he was sitting on the couch next to the window.

"It's no problem. You guys go do what you need to do and I'll stay with Jungwon." I say.

They both thank me before grabbing their stuff and leaving the room.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Jungwon.

"I'm feeling a bit better... I seriously don't know what happened. I was just walking then all of a sudden it went black, then I woke up here." He says.

"It's okay Wonnie. Are you sure you've been eating and drinking enough?"

"I've been trying to, I just haven't been as hungry, and whenever I eat I get super nauseous so I don't even bother.." He admits.

"You still need to try to eat a little more. Even if it makes you super nauseous, at least you're getting some nutrition." I say.

"I'll try.."

Jungwon deeply sighs.

I'm so worried for him...

"It'll be okay Wonnie..they'll help you feel better. When you aren't sick, I'll take you out somewhere nice, okay?"

"Okay." Jungwon smiles.



chaconne makes me shake every follicle of ass i have omg...

hope you enjoy

Have an amazing day/night and STREAM BITE ME!!!

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