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A black haired girl exhales a small white smoke from her mouth,Relieving her nerves sitting on the edge of a rooftop building thats 2 stories tall,A Shout Came From One Of Her Dear Friend Wanting her Presence.

"MEIKO!!,WHERE ARE YOU!?,I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU!" A yelling Voice she knows that his name was Kent,a Simple Name For A Strong Person

The Girl Named Meiko Sighed In An Unfazed Expression,Through her Bunny Mask she kept her lips in a thin small line of unfazement,Getting Up Slowly and Purposely Fall To the Ground,To Land on the soft snow like an kunoichi or  a ninja.

"HURRY UP ALREADY!,THE STORMS COMIN!" Kent Yelled in an Impatient way.

"Im coming,Stop being such a child kent."Meiko Was usually annoyed by her best friend,yet had a calm voice.

"Whatever,i have something to cool to show you!"Kent Had Such Mood Changes which Meiko didnt even care.

"And What Is It You want to show me?" Meiko is curious on something cool her friend wanted to show.

"Well...,Follow me to my Workshop!"Both Kent And Meiko head to his workshop and There was a greyish cloth in the corner of the room in the workshop

"Now,I would introduce to you my newest invention!" Kent pulled the cloth away and had shown some kind of robotic Invention

"What kind of invention is that?"Meiko Asked

"ITS A PORTALBLE DIMENSION!,it can be used for anywhere!"Kent Had sparkles in his Eyes wanting to see his Friends Reaction

"Hmm,Would be useful to somewhat a last resort to leave at any time."Meiko still kept her lips in a firm line but changed to a small smile.

"Also it might be useful into hiding bodies,since my room is quite squishy because of the scavs bodies around.."
Kent had a chill down on his spine when he forgot about Meiko having such a sadistic nature for removing any evidences that she was the one that caused such massacre in the middle of the bordering walls of snow.

"Uhmm,hahaha..moving on is it a approve or..."Kent Sweat dropped in an awkward stance while facing his sadistic friend

"I approve it,greatly my dear friend.."Meiko Smiled Like a psychopath,making kent pee his pants

the storm relieved itself and meiko was preparing to investigate on the damage and most likely will find scavs in the area to clean it up.

"Im Heading out now kent,if you need anything just go and find me,ill be at the brick tower."Meiko Told Kent and Slowly walked away from the place and disappeared

Few Hrs  later...

"Thats odd..Meiko Never has been that out,she usually comes back after 45 mins of investigating the place,there was an explosion a while ago...ill find her on whats going on."Kent muttered and went out to the place meiko was a 2 min walk to head to the brock tower

Oh If He Knew The Consequences were So Far Horrible..

Kent Stood There his breathing hitched,Exhaling rapidly on a Bloody puddle and a bloody wall,

That was His Friends Blood.

Kent Ran To his Dying Friend,On the Verge of Crying.

"M-meiko?,please stay still,ill get the bandages quickly..please dont make sudden moves itll bleed faster"Kent was panicking not knowing what to do,but then meiko spoke up..

"I-im..sorry...kent...,"Meiko was weak in her voice..Kent Was already crying by now


Meiko Looked at Him with a Wider Thin lip Of A Smile,her Bunny mask was Nowhere to be seen at any point,her scarf was gone,Yet there she sat with blood all over her.

Meiko Looked at Him with a Wider Thin lip Of A Smile,her Bunny mask was Nowhere to be seen at any point,her scarf was gone,Yet there she sat with blood all over her

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"PLEASE!,JUST HOLD ON FOR A BIT!" Kent Held her Shoulders

Kent struggled to fix her wounds but,He knew that her abdomen was incredibly injured with a deep wound of blood gushing out,three shots on her upper body and a bloody head.

"Kent..."Meiko Spoke out,but had struggled to have the strength to speak.

"Y-yes?.."Kent had tears on his Eyes.

" *Coughs*,"Meiko was unable to speak and her breathing and pulse stopped dead track.

"Meiko?,MEIKO PLEASE WAKE UP!,PLEASE GOD NO!!,FUCKING HELL!!" Kent Hugged meikos dead body tightly,with some reddish eyes.


And Thats How It Started..The New Start Of A Life...In A Open World..
Of Japan.

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