Painful Training Montage

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Both Meiko and Tanjiro Stood like: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
When Urokodaki Said that theyll have to complete this before being able to train with him BEFORE SUNRISE.

"Ah,Shit."Meiko muttered.

Tanjiro went straight first only to tumble down into a hole that was a trap.

If only tanjiro Knew That meiko had been on military training that was more harsher than this.

"Tanjiro are you okay?"Meiko hold out a hand to him.

"|Thank you meiko-sama.|"Tanjiro Could Not Understand Meiko still.

"Looks like its like Ill have to trigger all the traps at once before walking foward."Meiko threw a medium sized rock like a javelin down the hill and all of the traps were triggered in a instant.

"|Sugoi!,that was so cool meiko-sama!|"Tanjiro had Starry eyes at The Masked Girl


"|Im impressed by a kind of trick that you had there,Meiko.|"Urokodaki said.

"Arigato Gozaimasu,Sensei-san."Meiko said

"|We will start your training tomorrow.|"


Both meiko and tanjiro were practicing their breathing

"|Wrong!,Wrong!|"Urokodaki Hitted the two in the abdomen

"|Like This?|"Tanjiro made a weird Pose.

"|No.|"Urokodaki shook his head

"What about like this Sensei-Sama?"Meiko literally made A Martial Arts Pose Of A Dragon:

"|Thats...different from what im thinking but ill consider it.|"

"|This is where youll concentrate your style in breathing.|"Urokodaki Showed tanjiro and Meiko The Waterfall.

Urokodaki just kicked them to the waterfall.



"|HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA|"Tanjiro Charged at Urokodaki with his sword but only to get beaten by Urokodaki.

Meiko caught Urokodaki Off-Guard with a Heavy karate Kick on the Head of Urokodaki(R.I.P Old Man.)

"|Impressive work,but you still have a long way to go there Meiko.|"Urokodaki was rubbing his head with his hand since the blow was painful.

Tanjiro and Meiko are now in a Place were Urokodaki left them to cut two rocks IN HALF.


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