Salmon Man.

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Tanjiro tried Slashing The Rock in half,keyword:Tried.

Tanjirao as completely exhausted from trying to use his bare strength to slice the rock,Meiko Stood There On the Backline Rethinking her choices In life,

Suddenly Tanjiro Just Bashed His Rock Head Into The Rock which made Meiko Flinch Slightly by thinking how painful that might be


"Eh?"Meiko Stared At the Boy Sitting on top Of The Rock.

"|Are U Really Sure That You Can Call urself an man when u made that kind of Filthy Move?|"

'Ngl,I wanna Have Some Salmon Sushi Because Of His Hair...'Meiko thought To herself and Imagined A Yummy Sushi.

"|I can Cut It In half If I Want To!|"Tanjiro Yelled.

"|pft,HAHHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!|"The Salmon Haired Boy Laughed Like a Mad Man

"Damn,This Guy Might be The next Joker."Meiko Muttered.

"|COME ON THEN,FACE ME AND SHOW ME IF YOUR A TRUE MAN!|"The Salmon Haired pointed at Tanjiro With his wooden Sword.

"|And You!,Woman I would Like you to try and Fight Me also.|"The Fox Masked Boy Pointed at The Bunny Masked Girl.

'Yknow Those Japanese Lessons Were worth it back at Senseis House.'Meiko Thought To Herself.

"|Now Show Me Your True Skills Then.|"

(A few hours later...)

Heavy Pants Came From Tanjiro As He was Struggling To hold Against The Salmon Haired Boy.

Meiko Already Had Cutted The Rock In Half Just Now and sabito already gotten his ass Kicked By Meiko without her using any weapons and used her bare hands alone.

"|Your Still Considered Weak Boy.|"Sabito Spoke.

Makomo stood beside Meiko as They are Speaking to each other.

"YOU CAN DO IT TANJIRO!!!"Meiko Cheered.

"You know your Quite an Interesting Foreigner,Meiko."Makomo Spoke.

"Why thank you makomo-chan"Meiko Replied

Anddd Tanjiro Got His Ass Kicked By sabito.

(2 yrs Later..)

"GO,TANJIRO,GO! GO! TANJIRO!,YOU CAN DO IT!"Meiko Had Made Pompoms For This Moment Were Tanjiro and sabito Fought Again.

"Ur Extremely Energetic Today Meiko-san."Makomo Giggled.

"yeah!,im pumped Up for tanjiros Victory and i know he will win!"Meiko cheerily while holding her makeshift pompoms

Tanjiro And Sabito Started Clashing their Swords At each Other Making Fair Points Of Hits For Each Other,As Then Tanjiro Sliced Sabitos Fox Mask Off.

"|Looks Like You Proved Your Skills,And A True Man..|"Sabito Spoke with His Eyes Filled with approval.

Then it showed that Tanjiro finally Cutted The Boulder In Half.

"|I did It!,MEIKO I FINALLY DID IT!|"Tanjiro Yelled Out To Meiko

"YOKATA NEE!,CONGRATS TANJIRO-SAN!"Meiko Congratulated Tanjiro on his sudden Victory

(Urokodakis Hut.)

"|Go Ahead And Eat Up.|"Urokodaki Instructed The Two.

"Itadakimasu."Tanjiro and Meiko Spoke in sync.

"|Its So Good!,Thank You Urokodaki-sensei."Tanjiro Thanked Urokodaki for the hefty meal.

"|The More Humans Eat,The More Demons Get Stronger Everyday.|"Urokodaki Said

"|I wont Allow Demons To Eat Humans,I Promise Urokodaki-sensei,and i will find a cure for Nezuko with the help of My Allies With Me.|"Tanjiro Promised.

"|I Will Make That Man Pay For What He Has Done To Humans,And Help Tanjiro avenge his Families Death.|"Meiko Spoke in a cold Voice with venom in her tounge.

"|Very Well Then,I will give Tanjiro This Box For Nezuko as A Parting Gift.|"Urokodaki Said Leading Tanjiro To a Room with His Sister and A Box.

"|Arigato Gozaimasu,Urokodaki-sensei!|"Tanjiro Bowed in a Perfect angle.

"|Meiko,I Also Have Something To Ask before i give you something i made for you.|"Urokodaki Stared at the Black-purple haired girl.

"|And What Is It Sensei?|"Meiko Asked In Curiosity.

"|Are You Perhaps A Demon?|"

Taisho Secrets

•The Reason How Meiko Beated Sabitos Ass Is Because She was Used To Wrestling Matches In Disguise when she was at a wrestling match with scavs and their strongest scavs were beaten down af from meiko.

•Meiko Has An IQ Of 315 or 250,But Acts Like a Doofus On Purpose.

•Sabito Actually likes Meiko But hides It

•Meiko Had Easily Learned The Japanese Language In a Swift From a Huge Book She got When She came into the dimension.

•Meiko Is Def Stronger Than Gyomei and Kokushibo Combined.

•Meiko Has A Deep Hatred For Muzan Because He Was Underestimating Her for her meekness before.

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