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Tanjiro Followed The Scent Of the Demon That Killed His Family,Only To His dismay when the man turned around with Red Plum eyes.

Tanjiro was ready to pull out His Sword Until a child voice came out.


Tanjiro was in shock that the man with red eyes has a child,meiko on the other hand knew that the red eyed man is the fucking asshole that killed tanjiros family.

'That Bunny-masked Girl is suspicious,her aura is ominous.'The Red-eyed Man thought.

"Oh my,Do you know these kids honey?"His Fake Wife Asked.

"No,I dont know them but they probably thought i was someone they know."The Red eyed man smiled slightly.

Meiko Glared at the Red eyed man through Her mask,she was pissed at this man,that lies through his teeth.

Suddenly,A Man That turned into a demon bit his partner in the neck,the woman screams in pain.

Tanjiro tackled the man down while Meiko brought a cloth and some bandages to help the woman.

"|STAY BACK!,THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS!|"Tanjiro warned the scurring crowd

"|Please calm down maam,your alright.|"Meiko tries to help the woman holding the cloth in the bitten mark on her shoulder.

"|HEY!,Whats Going On Here?!|"An Officer Yelled


"Chichote nan anvlòp la mouri ki fè pitit nan fado alisinasyon yo mwen louvri orizon an nan san doulè a ​​ke mwen lage." Meiko spoke in creole and suddenly a black ish and red ish barrier was soon covering both tanjiro and meiko,but there was also a flower barrier that came within it.

"|it seems that someone already did the job for us|" A lady Spoke

"|Who are you?|"Tanjiro Asked.

"|I am Lady Tamayo,Come with us we need to speak with matters and also bring your friend too.|"The Lady Introduced herself as lady tamayo.

(Timeskip to where they went to the hidden house of lady tamayo.)

"|Now,that you have arrived,id like to ask a question to your friend.|" Lady Tamayo Spoke.

"|and what is it lady tamayo?.|"Meiko Asked sternly.

"|Your One Of The Last Kind of the Apostles arent you?.|"Lady Tamayo Asked.

"|How do you know that..?|"Meiko felt shock when lady tamayo knew about  the apostles.

"|you spoke in creole very fluently and has a scar am i correct?."Lady Tamayo said

"|Yes.|"Meiko confirmed.

"|Meiko-sama,What is lady tamayo talking about..?|"Tanjiro stared at meiko looking directly at her bunny masked face.

"|Remember when i Told You I had A Curse?,The Apostles Curse wasnt Much of a Nice Curse that i was held with through a *coughs out blood*,Shit i cant  even say that...|"Meiko covered her hand to her mouth to remove the blood off of her.

"|Meiko-sama,are you okay?|"Tanjiro Asked worriedly.

"|im fine,lady tamayo can inform you about it.|"Meiko puts a thumbs up.

"|As To what meikos trying to say,The Apostle curse is one of the most Powerful Curses that even Demons Fear,perhaps even the Demon King Himself is afraid of the Curse,She is The Ancestor Of The Apostle curse and is the last of her own kind,She made a Contract unkowningly to One Of The Cannibalistic creatures Known As The Wendigos,those who have gone mad of the curse transforms into a sickler,a being where it used to be human,very few have been able to overcome the madness like meiko for example,however it comes for a price,she has alot of arguebly pain whenever she transforms her hand into a hand called theourgias hand,or perhaps summon beings from the shadow realm|"Lady Tamayo explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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