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"|japanese talk|"

Meiko Stopped for a moment and spied on the unfamiliar 3 figures of people,speaking japanese,but luckily shes able to understand them,but sadly she cant speak japanese.

"|PLEASE LET MY SISTER GO!,SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG!|"A boy with Red locks,and had some kind of earrings,shouted out loud supposely trializing for his sister

"|Demons Are Demons,They Eat Human flesh and we slay those that are that kind of horrible creatures.|"The Man with black hair and had a low ponytail,He had a haori thats mixed with red and orange and green colors,his eyes were dark blue,he was helding a sword to a girl that had a pinkish kimono,resisting the man.

"|PLEASE!,I BEG OF YOU TO LET MY SISTER LIVE!|"The Boy was already kneeling down to the man with blue eyes

"Poor boy doesent know the consequences of
Having a demonic sister.."meiko muttered to herself but was immeadeatly heard from the man with blue eyes

"|I could agree with the one thats currently spying on us,you can show yourself this instant.|"The man with blue eyes said,he actually knew foreign language.

"Woah,How did you even hear me?"meiko was shocked but yet she revealed herself with her bunny mask on,covering both of her eyes.

"|Now Tell me boy,Do you think youll be able to face all the consequences of having a demonic sister?,meanwhile the demon slayer corps could try and eliminate your sister.|"

"|I can No matter such trials,Im sure i can find a cure for my sister!|"The boy replied in determination.

"He sounds confident,i like him already."
Meiko replied

"|Erm,By the way,The Girl with a Bunny Mask you smell like a demon but your aura is calming for some reason..|"the boy said

"Ah!,Yes I forgot to mention that im not actually a demon but instead,Its a curse that was inherited to me,Could you uhm translate it to him,Blue eyes man?" Meiko said while facing towards the man with blue eyes.

"|She Said That It is a curse that was placed onto her.|"The Man With Blue Eyes Replied

"|Also,My Name Is Tomioka Giyuu,Bunny Girl,not blue eyes man.|"Giyuu replied

"Ah,okay nice to meet to Giyuu-san,Mizurinu Meiko,you can call me Meiko."Meiko had a small smile on her lips.

"Ahem,Anyways Kid you seem to have potential,i like your determination."Meiko Faced The Boy.

"|Ah,Uhm Tomioka-san,what did Meiko-sama said?|" The Boy asked

"|She Said she likes your determination.|"Giyuu replied to The Boy

"|Oh,Thank you so much Meiko-Sama|."The Boy said thanking meiko.

"Anyways,I Wanna Train The Boy."Meiko Replied.

"|Well,You cannot Train Him,Are You even Aware into Knowing Breathing styles?|"Giyuu Definitely disapproves Meiko Into Training Him.

"Whats a Breathing Style?"Meiko Asked,Giyuu facepalms Himself.

"|Its A Breathing Style where You use Types of Elements,There are Different types of it,Water,Fire,Wind,Stone,Flower,And Other kinds of breathing styles that is possible to create.|" Giyuu said

"Ah,Okay plus arent you gonna restrain the girl?,with some muzzle?"Meiko pointed out the girl thats calmed down and was with her brother.

"|Right...,Forgot about the girl.."Giyuu had a dead panned expression

"|Go To A Mountain where A Retired Hashira lives,You will be able to find him,tell him you were sent by Giyuu.|" Giyuu said instructing the boy with his Sister,Supposely The boy introduced himself as tanjiro and his sister is nezuko.

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