1st Mission.

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Meiko and Tanjiro Went Back to urokodakis house as both of them had some minor injuries with tanjiro having a broken rib and meiko with Some Scratches.

Suddenly The Door Of Urokodakis Hut Gets Kicked From An awaken nezuko.

"|NEZUKO!|"Tanjiro yelled out for his sister.

Nezuko sprints to the two figures that completed the final selection as tanjiro wept in happiness while meiko is confused on nezuko hugging both tanjiro and her.

Urokodaki joins in the hug as he mutters that his students are alive.

"|I was worried that u wouldnt wake up nezuko!|"tanjiro sobbed.

"|ehh..|"Meiko Kept a dead panned face on the situation.

"|Lets get inside youll catch a cold.|"urokodaki spoke.

(Time skip on the submission on the swords.).

"|Is This Really the Girls uniform??|"Meiko Looked at the exposed chest on the uniform.

"|Well its the official Girl corps uniform so...|"the pervy kakushi spoke to her.

"|im going to burn this,give me another uniform with the skirt, hopefully it wont be too short.|"Meiko Replied coldly.

The Revealing uniform was burned infront of the kakushi as it turns into ashes infront of him lets just say urokodaki is proud of meiko burning the uniform as it would be too revealing.

"Here are your swords."Haganezuka Spoke.

The swordsmith kept on talking abt where the sword is as Meiko Just Unsheaths her sword as it turns into somewhat a mixed hue of dark purple to light purple it had a handle with somewhat blue petals as meiko requested the handle should be petal  like.

The swordsmith kept on talking abt where the sword is as Meiko Just Unsheaths her sword as it turns into somewhat a mixed hue of dark purple to light purple it had a handle with somewhat blue petals as meiko requested the handle should be petal  like

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"|eh?|"Meiko Had Dotted Eyes With confusion all over her face.

"|CAW!,CAW!,Northeast!,there has been reports of girls disappearing!|"the crow of meiko spoke.

"|lets get prepared shall we tanjiro-san?|"Meiko had A Small smile on her face her bunny mask still covered her shining eyes.

(Time skip into night time)

"|So Thats Why Most of the Girls were disappearing..|"Tanjiro Muttered after saving the girl whose around 16 years old.

"|how dare you steal our meal!,She will lose Nutrients Because Of her Old age!|"The Swamp Demon Complained.

"|Yknow,Kidnapped girls are quite common nowadays since demons say that a girl has more nutrients than men.|"Meiko said

"|Plus To the fact your still trying to eat a young child thats preparing to make a life for Themselves!|"Meiko went Straight Ahead and Dashed Foward to the swamp demon.

"|Tch!,How Old Are You Anyways you imbecile of a woman!|"the swamp demon dodges the attack while replying to the bunny masked woman.

"|Id rather die than being insulted to a filthy demon like you!|"Meiko Yelled

'Apostle Breathing:4th form:Agonizing Trechery.'

Meiko finally decapitated the 2nd swamp demon,now the other one is with tanjiro interogating the demon.

"|I cant tell!,I cant tell you!,he will be furious at me!|"The Swamp Demon Pleaded before getting decapitated.

(Another time skip:tanjiro and meiko are in the 2nd mission.)

"|So crowded...|"Tanjiro had already has his eyes bulging out of his eye sockets from the amount people in the area.

"|Yet Too much pervs and a enclosed place..|"Meiko Recalled.

Both meiko and tanjiro tried to find some space to breathe as meiko is holding nezukos hand gently,tanjiro and meiko accidentally saw both man and a woman 'getting together..' tanjiro apologized and jogged to find somewhere to get out of the crowded place once again.

(A few mins later...)
Both tanjiro and Meiko are sitting near a udon shop with nezuko sleeping on meikos shoulder,and both tanjiro and meiko take some time to eat their udons..until..
Tanjiro smelled something was wrong..

The same scent that killed his family...

Taisho Secrets

• Nezuko Is Attached to Meiko because she is like her Mother basically lol.

•Meiko looks 23 or 21 but actually is around
225 yrs old

•Apostle Breathing Is Derived From Different Element of The Breathing.

•Tanjiro Thinks Of Meiko As A Mother Also since she is protective.

•When Meiko Sees Mj whoops i mean Muzan,She will not hesitate to whoop his ass.

•Meiko Wanted The skirt to stay at like the thigh length for her flexibility,Shes like mitsuri but a bit more stronger.

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