Starting Point

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<Flash Back>
LONG AGO...,There Lived A Family in which has a normal life,well had a normal life until..,something drastic happened to Them In which it was a curse,a curse of immortality and listen to the damned souls from hell itself,Satan Made them get tortured from the pain everytime they hear the drastic screams of the dead,
Everytime a new heirs born,They will most likely inherit the Curse and that curse is called 使徒の呪い,This Curse was Unstoppable but yet it had limits to it.
<Flash Back End.>

Meiko's Pov:
'Everything feels blank...liquidy..wait liquidy? i drowning? just died from blood loss...'
Small bubbles of air flow through the depths of the water,my eyes were shut firmly,yet there was a voice calling out to me..

"wake up..."

'Give me 5 mins more of sleep bitch.'i thought to myself


i coughed by a instant when it shouted,i woke up,in the middle of the night,snow was falling still,my vision was blurry but there was a figure in front of me

"Ow,shit..Where the hell am i.."my head was hit with a migrane but slowly disappeared.

"ah?,your awake.."the figure said

It was a man with some kind of western suit with a white hat,and red eyes darting straight at me.

"Yes,im awake and alive,but you ruined my beauty sleep."i Replied with an pissed face.

The man chuckles darkly
"your quite an interesting one arent ya?"

I kept silent and slowly stood up,only for me to tumble to the snowy ground.


"Seems like your too weak to balance yourself."The man looked at me with an dull face

"Well,no shit sherlock."i muttered out loud while my face is still planted to the snowy ground.

"Now,I have an offer i would like to give you.."the man crouched down to my limp body

"And what is that offer?" I put my head still to face the red eyed man

"Become a Demon with me and you will become strong,instead of being a weakling not being able to stand or walk."The Man Offered His Hand To me.

"Yeah no,thanks for the offer but ive gotten something else much worse,id rather stay like this."i made an dead panned expression being tired of all kinds of bullshit ive been led to

"Hmm,Fine..I have no urge to kill you whats so ever,good luck....Meiko."The Man Laughed until he left out of my sight in a instant.

"How did that son of a bitch,knows my name?" My eye was twitching,with a crimpled smile.

"Now i have the urge to murder his face next time i see him."

<Time Skip>

Meiko Finally got all her Strength back,and began scouting for life in the snowy woods,hoping to find life through the forest.

She exhaled out the cold breath,after walking for so long.

"Man..did that micheal jackson fucker put me in the middle of nowhere?" Meiko muttered to herself.

Meiko heard a twig snap from behind,she looked behind but saw nothing till there was something about to kick her,reacting quickly she formed her hand into a frozen blooded sword/dagger like and pierced through the creatures chest.

"SHIT!,why the hell i cant regenerate!?"The Creature Was pissed af.

"thats because your a weak ass being."Meiko insulted the creature.

"SHUT IT YOU WHOR-"The Creature was Sliced through the neck,slowly being disentegrated.

Meiko stood there for a moment or two until...

"FUCKKKKKK!,I FORGOT ON HOW THIS MORPHING SHIT HURTS!"Meiko Hissed In pain from her hand in which she names
Theourgia's Hand..

Meiko explored more through the Snowy forest,It was already morning by now but it was covered by the snow falling


Meiko heard a New Voice,And Soon..,she will join the journey with a boy
And that boy is

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