Solangelo kids at Percabeth!

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AN: Sorry for the title, I'm not at the peak of my creative moments.

On Wednesday, the Jackson household heard a ring.

"Coming!" Percy shouted.

"Aren't we supposed never to open the door if we don't know who it is?" Zoe told no one in particular.

"Aren't you supposed to finish your homework?" Annabeth shot back.

"Fair enough," Charles muttered. Silena hummed in agreement.

They were watching H2O on their living couch, the whole family there. They sometimes didn't like and found it ridiculous, but they still watched it.

"Hello," a familiar voice said.

"Uncle Nico?" Silena exclaimed, turning to see one of her favorite uncles comming in.

"That's not true," Luke said.

"Ummm, it very much is. Unless my eyes are lying," Silena argued.

"They probably are," Luke muttered.

"Hey," another familiar voice said.


"Ha, told you," Silena whispered under her breath. She stood up and went to meet the Di Angelo-Solace.

"Uncle Nico," she greeted him and hugged him. Nico kissed her in both cheeks, like they do in Italy.

"Hi, how are you?" He greeted back.

"Really well," Silena replied.

"Michael!" Luke greeted.

"Jackson!" Michael greeted back.

"Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" Luke asked. Michael just chuckled

"Luke! Don't be rude!" Annabeth scolded him.

"Mom!" he complained.

"Hi, Bianca!" Zöe rushed to greet her friend.

"Zöe!" Bianca hugged her.

Nico was confused. "They didn't know?"

Percy shrugged. "I thought they'd love the surprise." He hugged Nico. "How are you?"

Nico tilted his head. "I don't know," he whispered. He looke at the kids happily exchanging stories. "Thank you for taking them in."

"Hey, it's no problem." Percy said.

Annabeth pulled Nico into a hug as well. "Hey, how you doing?"

Nico shrugged hopelessly. "Are you sure-?"

Annabeth layed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's going to be fine. I completely trust Percy's parenting abilities."

Percy nodded. "Yeah, me too. One of the kids I've raised is already in college abd the other one already has a family!"

"I'm the one with the family, right?" Nico said.


"Then I'm not sure I trust your parenting abilities." Nico said, completely poker-faced.

"Hey, that sass is mine," Percy said without missing a beat.

"Okay, I do." Nico said seriously.

"Want to join us for dinner?" Annabeth invited him.

"Yeah, I got Paul's special lasagne recipe."

"It's really good," Silena intervened.

"Sure," Nico replied.

Percy ushered the kids into the kitchen. Knowing they'd arrive, he'd made an extra lasagna.

AN: sorry for the crappy chapter. They're still the intro. Kindof. Anyway, I'm writing this because there are so little Percy Jackson next gen fics!

Also, what kind of series do you think Percy, Annabeth and their kids would watch? Percy would totally force them to watch the Little Mermaid, but I can't think of good shows.

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