Michael and Bianca get used to the Jacksons dynamic

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"Percy! We overslept!" Annabeth exclaimed as she watched the hour.

Percy rolled over. "Just five more minutes."

"I don't have five more minutes, and you won't have either." Annabeth said as she stepped into the shower. Groaning, Percy got up and pulled a shirt over his head. He looked for a pair of denim jeans and slid Riptide on his pocket.

"Silena! Charlie! Zoe! Get up!"

Silena was ready as usual. She'd already showered, got dressed and done her hair. "Silena, help me with breakfast," Percy whispered.

"Sure, just let me pack my homework."

Percy passed through Luke's bedroom and found he was still asleep. "Luke! Get up! We're gonna be late."

Luke rolled over and mumbled uncomprehensibly.

"Get up!" Percy entered Luke's room and opened the curtains.

"Gah!" Luke complained when the sunlight reached him.

"This is your last reminder," Percy warned.

"Yes, yes, I'll get up." 

"Good. And remember we have guests, so be nice."

Percy then went to his youngest kid room to find Zoe ready.

"I'm almost ready," she declared.

"Do you want to help me with breakfast?" Percy asked.

"Sure," Zoe shrugged. She pulled her backpack over her shoulder.

"Did you pack everything?"


Percy then rushed with Nico, Michael and Bianca, before going down for breakfast. 

"Nico, do they bring their lunch?"

"Yes, but I can-"

"No, I insist." Percy said. Throughout the years, he'd developed his fast cooking skills. It was something he enjoyed doing, like he was cooking the love he felt for his family. He'd also been very lucky to have two amazing cooks as teachers.

He made the classic: a grilled cheese for everyone. He then packed them a portion of grapes and quickyl put them over the counter. Meanwhile, Zoe and Silena were making scrambled eggs.

"Sorry, sorry," Luke said, anticipating his sisters' scoldings.

"Traitor," Zoe hissed.

"You shouldn't be using that kind of strong words," Silena scolded her.

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Thank you." Luke dropped his backpack on a chair.

"But you shouldn't get breakfast," Silena added as she held the pan away from his plate.

"Silena, no, that's not fair."

"Silena, giver your brother breakfast," Annabeth said distractedly as she gathered her things. "Have a great day," she hugged each of her kids. "Love you, and remember: don't kick anybody's butts unless you have to." She walked out then.

"I'm sorry," Bianca said as they approached the car on their way back. They were surely the last ones to leave. "I'm really really sorry"

"Don't worry," Percy calmed her down. "Silena's principal also called me. It's nothing new at this point." He opened the door for her and helped her in.

"Are we going today?" Luke greeted them, anxious.

"No, Silena's principal called me. As well as Zoe's. And Bianca's."

"It wasn't my fault!" Zoe complained.

"I know, you just were at the wrong time in the wrong moment," Percy sighed.

"And I'm not sorry. They were beating the crap out of that kid! What did they do? Nothing! Then why do they do it?" Silena defended herself.

"I can think of several social and cultural reasons." Luke said matter-of-factly. "For starters, homophobia."

"They're not gay," Silena corrected. "Though they're not cis. And I know it. It was rhetorical."

"But we won't go today." Luke whined. "Besides, now you have a black-eye!"

"Don't worry it'll go nicely with the other one." Zoe butted in. "Like a raccoon"

"You're right." Luke conceded. "And I'm sure Dior will love it."

Silena turned around to face her siblings. "Shut it."

"She blushed," Zoe exclaimed to Luke.

"Besides, I'm not dating her." Nevertheless, Silena reached out for Zoe's neck.

"That's gotta be the most heteronormative thing I've ever heard" Zoe commented.

"You know who I'm dating," Silena hissed.

"Yes, a jerk" Luke replied loudly. "I bet five bucks he was in the group that bullied the kid."

Silena stayed silent as Percy entered the car after ordering the trunk.

"Silena, you'll drive."

"What?" She exclaimed.

"Yes, up you go."
Percy asked for silence while he explained her how to drive.

"I don't get it, most people die for learning how to drive, and she doesn't?" Micahel whispered incredulous.

"It's because she's not 'mainstream.'" Zoe explained.

"It's much more than that, it's a responsibility," Silena said.

"And a life skill you need to learn. This is an automatic car, but you need to learn the standard as well." Percy replied. "The sooner you master automatic, the sooner you learn the standard."

"I don't think I want to learn standard." Silena said, clutching the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles were white.

"It's also the sooner you learn, Luke."

Luke pounced on the driving seat. "Please, Silena, I'm begging you. Please master automatic."

Silena bit back a cross reply.

"Calm down," Percy recommended her. "It's not that hard."

"But I have running practice today," she tried appealing.

"Yes, I know. That's why I brought your stuff. Now, off we go."

They arrived after skipping two red lights, despite Silena braking all the time.

"Thanks, Dad." She got out of the car and looked for her stuff.

"Don't worry, you'll get better. Also, your mom's picking you up."

"Ok, thanks." She said goodbye before running to the field.

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