Beyond Time and Darkness, we Pierce thru the Skies! Kaus and the Spikels soar!

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'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who dwell within this lively city began to refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


It had been a whole week since the group had met the Idol MaiMellow, who was really their classmate, Melody Yagira, and helped her and her Mixel partners, the Mixies, handle a rogue Digimon named Sirenmon, who was inspired by Melody's work as MaiMellow to sing, yet she forced people to hear her sing, and that, along with kidnapping the people who went to the Idol's concerts, and turned them into both her figurative and literal puppets. It only took a moment's worth of a battle, to get Sirenmon un-nixed, and for her to realize what she did was wrong, as she turned the humans back to normal, and then left the city to properly train her voice and her songs. However, Gammamon's encounter with Melody and the Mixies, let alone encouraging the Idol to accept help from him and the others to put an end to Sirenmon's plot, was only the first step to a new stage of growth for the triceratopsian baby Digimon. However, more seems to be happening from the shadows than expected...


It was an after-school afternoon that had started off normal enough for Casey (Or at least, as normal as life could get for someone when you, some of your friends, and your older brother all have creatures from another world), as she had stopped by Lady Chocolatt on her way home, which was a local candy shop close to Angelwood Middle School that most of the kids went to hang out, and also get a sweet treat. And she didn't exactly go alone. Gammamon came with her, as did Flain, Kiyo, Jellymon, and Flurr. "Honestly, Casey, it's really nice that you did this for me after last week's events." The class representative told her with a smile, as he took a bite of some of the peppermint candy he bought from the shop as he walked out with everyone else, as Gammamon flew ahead of the group, holding a box of chocolate malt balls that Casey bought for him. "Yummy & Sweet, my Champs~! Yummy & Sweet, my Champs~!" The little Digimon sang happily, as Casey went over to Gammamon, a Cherry flavored Chupa chup lollipop in her mouth. "You really should wait 'til we get back to the house, Gammamon." She told him, as Gammamon shook his head, as he opened the small box.

 "It's only just a small bi- AAAAH~!!" Gammamon then shouted as he took a claw-full of three chocolate malt balls, which fell to the ground thanks to a small gust of wind, and a crow found and began to peck at one of the Malt balls. "Noooo...!" Gammamon sadly whimpered, waving his arms side to side. "Poor lil' dude..." Flain said to himself, feeling sympathy for him as the Infernite finished his hot tamales candy. "Get back here right now...!" Gammamon cried while trying to fly after the bird, as Flurr then shook his head. "Considering the crow's size and wingspan, it's much faster and mobile than Gammamon." The leader of the Frosticons said to himself, as Gammamon  flew over to Casey. "Casey~! Make that birdie give it back~!" The little triceratops Digimon whined, still upset due to what the crow did, as Casey pat his head to try and cheer him up. "Don't worry, Gammamon. We've got plenty of chocolate back at the house. Plus, if it makes you feel any better, I'll make you a glass or two of leche merengadas." She told him, as seeing Gammamon this upset reminded her of how back in her younger days in Spain, whenever she was upset, her dad would make her favorite drink to cheer her up. But then, Casey got a text from a mysterious ID.  The text read as follows;

'Casey Almenera, you and your friends aren't the only ones who have Mixels. But unlike you and your friends, some don't prefer to use them to fight. Rather, they prefer to treat them how they treat them- With kindness. But, back to the point. I'd like you, your friends, and your Mixels to help my friend who attends Cosmic Field Academy. Meet me and her at Cafe Luxxe, and we'll explain everything to you and all your friends. Considering her plight and the perplexing means of how it happened, you're all the only ones who can help me help my friend. 

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