Night Parade of Demons, and 2 Cold and Fiery Mixes of (Un)likely Familial Bonds!

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'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who dwell within this lively city began to refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


A few days passed since Casey and her friends met the trio of Rose Cacia, Hannah Keahi, and Scorpi, the Leader of the Spikels, who requested their help to find Hannah's bird, Cherry, as well as the other 2 members of the Spikels, Footi and Hoogi (Who ended up finding them). They soon found that all of the Birds around town were going missing, and from what Casey, Amber, and Melody could gather from the input of their fellow student, Francis, Aleena was somehow behind this. However, it wasn't just her. She had help from another Digimon infected by an I-cubit shard- Yatagaramon. But, even with the combined might of Symbare Angoramon, Tesla Jellymon, Betel Gammamon, and both the 2014 Infernites max and Electroids Max, it wasn't enough to take down the Ultimate-level Bird Digimon. By the time that Rose and the Spikels joined the fight to protect the 3 Digimon and 6 Mixels, Yatagaramon had grabbed both Scorpi and Gammamon, flew up into the air, and threw the duo consisting of the triceratopsian baby Digimon and the Leader of the Spikels down, as the duo was quickly plummeting towards the ground. And they both would've become pancakes, too, but thanks to Casey helping Gammamon learn to listen to his heart (With guidance from Footi), Gammamon attained a new digivolution in the form of Kaus Gammamon, and not only saved Scorpi and himself, but took down Yatagaramon with aid from Flurr, Kiyo, Rose, and Scorpi. By the time the group went back on the bus to get back to town, Flain shared his concerns involving Gammamon's new digivolution with the other Infernites about how he saw something resembling the Devourer of Space deep within Kaus Gammamon. Could this be tied to how Gammamon doesn't know who or what he is?


Zorch was just in Henry's room, looking at a new article on the Phantom's Den website on his tablet, which was talking about a new peculiar phenomenon, with it showing an image of a car crash near the headline, which read, 'Nightly processions causing havoc in Santa Monica'.  From what Zorch had read, the cause of the crashes that had been happening lately around town, varying in small damages, to even lives being lost to the crashes. Casey was at school with Amber, Maya, Melody, and Rose, and Henry was taking a nap, so for the time being, it was up to him to contact some of the members of the group, and investigate- But soon, the crimson Infernite would find that, to others, him leading an investigation would practically be seen as a death wish, especially with who he and the others would be going up against soon enough. Albeit he didn't know it at the time, but he was going to learn something about himself that he probably wouldn't find out otherwise back home on Planet Mixel because of his decisions that he would end up making as a so-called 'leader', with one Digimon acting as his wake-up call to change for the better...

Zorch found Casey's laptop, and the moment he did, he called Gammamon over, who just sat down next to him on her bed, as he then proceeded to call Kiyo in a google duo chat, but the Infernite was instead greeted with Flurr, Jellymon, and Teslo. "Yo, Tes, Jellymon, Flurr!" The crimson Infernite greeted the trio, as on their end of the video feed, Kiyo had walked into his room with an egg sandwich for himself, and a hamlogna sandwich (which, in actuality, was a sandwich with both ham and bologna in it) for Zaptor, who was waiting for him to come back with the pseudo Hamlogna sandwich. "Oh, and Kiyoshiro's here, too!" he smiled, as Kiyo walked over to the trio of Electroid, Frosticon, and Mollusk Digimon. "Hey, Kiyo! Just the human I wanted to see!" Kiyo then saw Zorch, as a facial expression of confusion appeared on the boy's face. "What is it, Zorch? I was just about to start watching season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen on my computer until I saw that you were talking to Flurr, Teslo, and Jellymon." Kiyo asked, as Zorch then began to explain. "Well, you guys heard about those weird incidents that have been happening on the highway, right?"  Upon hearing Zorch's question, Jellymon nodded. "Yeah, we know about it, Zippo. Me, the Zappers, and Flurry-Blurry read about it the other night, and it's been on each of our minds ever since..." She admitted, as Teslo nodded in agreement. "What'z more, the drivers who were involved all zaid that they saw herds of monzters, and Maya showed us something about a nightly procezzion, too." The leader of the Electroids confessed, as Kiyo mumbled something under his breath while hearing the accounts his Digimon partner, and his cousin's Mixel partner had shared, before he nervously spoke up. "S-sorry, Zorch, but we've got plans." Angelwood Middle school's class representative reached to his mouse to end the conversation, but Flurr stopped him by covering it with his wing. "Kiyoshiro, this is serious. People could really get hurt, or worse...!" Flurr tried to tell him, before a small ringtone started playing on Casey's laptop, with a message on the screen reading 'Amber Roark is calling'.

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