The courage to Burn Dread alone?! Siriusmon and Infernites Giga Max's Hypernova!

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(A/N- At last, we come to the conclusion of the Purified Moonlight arc! From here on out, is where things go beyond Mixing to the Max, and becomes Maxing to bring the ancient past to life! And in this Chapter, Gammamon recalls his true self at long last, and both branches of the Infernites become whole, and similarly to how their digital friends have many times before, unlock new evolutions of their own! Also, disclaimer- Jellymon [among a few other characters, but mostly Jellymon] will be doing a fair amount of cursing. Not a lot, mind you, but a few, due to the events that happen in this chapter causing her to stress out, and reveal something about her that nobody else has ever known.)

'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who live in this city refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


It had been a week since Vulk had a run-in with Persiamon, who had him and all the other cats in California under her spell. Luckily, with some clever thinking on their part, the Chosen Ones used silver vine as a catnip Substitute, incapacitating the cats that Persiamon had under her control, as well as freeing Vulk. However, the battle proved to be no walk in the park, as the feline ultimate level Digimon had no trouble using both Mind Fogger and Witch Warp to turn Lamortmon on the others. Luckily, Thetismon managed to defeat her by tricking her into drinking her blood, which was laced with catnip, replacing her dominative, and empress-like behavior with a calm and friendly demeanor. However, for Regulusmon, this was the last straw. The 13 Dark Paladins couldn't defeat them, nor the Digimon who still kept their free will by not being controlled by the I-cubits. It was then, that Regulusmon got an idea- There was only a few things that were missing from the Prophecy; The Medivals, a tribe of mixels based on the dark ages, and the 5th Digimon partner allied with the chosen ones. Fortunately, there was a group of Mega-level Digimon who followed his words and were experts at one thing- Isolating their targets from their allies in different, horrifying ways, be it physically or psychologically. These Digimon weren't known by name by most Digimon, so the ones who feared them made them all known as... The Twilight 6.


Casey had just gotten out of bed, and then begun to get ready for the day. She had a lot of plans since it was finally the start of winter break, meaning that (Save for Camilla, the Almenera siblings' mother, Lucas, Bonnie, and Kaitlyn, at least) she and her friends who attended Angelwood middle school, and all of the other chosen ones who attended Cosmic Field Academy were in for a beautiful winter break with their Mixel and Digimon friends, as Casey began to break into song, feeling cheerful about how today could go- Absolutely perfect.

[Cue musical number- 'Morning in California' Sung by Casey Almenera and Gammamon (CVs: Andrea Libman & Kathy Weseluck] {Based on 'Morning in Ponyville' from MLP; Friendship is Magic, originally sung by Rebecca Shoichet as Twilight Sparkle}

[Casey sees Gammamon and the 2014 Infernites, as they, along with the 2015 Infernites and Henry, finish getting ready for the day. They had plans to meet up with Alya, Angoramon, Amber, and the Cragsters at the B Sweet Dessert Bar in Los Angeles for the Winter Chocolate Parfait Fair, which was an event where people could get free chocolate parfaits. She then walked out of the house with her brother, Gammamon, all 6 of the Infernites, and Espimon, who had been secretly watching over the 2 siblings and their 7 partners, as Casey then starts singing.]

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