Time to Face your Fears! Amphimon, Pyrratz Max, and Frosticons Giga Max!

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(A/N- Ever since it had been revealed that Jellymon has Monophobia back in chapter 56, I've been wanting to get this chapter out for the longest time! As much as this chapter focuses on Kiyo, Bianca, Cleo, and their Mixel partners, I can safely say that, as usual, Jellymon absolutely steals the show, all while we get a deeper glimpse into her past, and also get to meet a familiar frenemy from way back when who managed to bring her gruesome past back into the present era! Also, slight content warning- there will be depictions of drowning {sort of}, Intense violence, and a REALLY young Digimon dying{?}. So, reader discretion is heavily advised, especially for those of you with ichthyophobia due to what happens to some of the Mixels in a certain scene. All of the warnings aside, I hope you all enjoy the 60th chapter of Mixels Ghost Game; Genesis of Worlds!)

'Holograms, a famous form of technology that is widely renowned far and wide in the city of Santa Monica. In the year 2024, all kinds of paranormal phenomenon occur all over the city. The humans who dwell within this lively city began to refer to them as... Hologram Ghosts.'


A few weeks had passed by since Shogun Geckomon had arrived in Santa Monica with his disciple, Geckomon, searching for the Descendant of Jiraiya, a legendary Ninja spoken of in an ancient scroll (Which, in reality, was just a lost book that someone from Angelwood middle School had dropped), and they both just so happened upon Akane, and used her to do 'good deeds' around California. Soon enough, each of the chosen ones were targeted and hunted down by the trio, but when the original Six Chosen ones and their partners were the last ones remaining, it fell down to Gammamon to let Gulus out from inside of him, and have his older brother set everyone free. Not long after their friends were liberated and all was set right, however, Gulus brought Casey and Flain with him to talk to the duo in private, and tried to tell his human partner and the mixel who he could actually see as a better father compared to Regulusmon that they'd need to take action and fight the Nixel Armada and the Devourer of Space head-on soon before it was too late, but before he could even explain the reason as to why they'd have to hurry, Gulus was forced to return control to his little brother. Just What was it that he was trying to warn them about? And what would await them next? Only one of those questions gets an answer right now, and it was this; A shocking returning face from Jellymon's past that would require her to face her biggest fear, and do everything she could to help the Mixels and humans that she was the closest to reach their true potential, and she'd possibly even reach beyond it with a few of them...


~10 years ago, in the Digital World's Net Ocean...(?)~

It started off similarly to any other day spent within the Net Ocean- Wander around, get what she needed to be done finished, and spend a bit of the rest of the day helping anyone who needed her help. It was just the way Jellymon's life was, and she didn't exactly want it any other way, but before her day could truly begin, however, she went to go find one of her best friends that she knew. "Pichimon!" She called out as she wandered the deep briny blue of the Digital World, searching for her friend. "Pichimon, this isn't a game of hide and seek! Where are you?" She muttered, before seeing a trail of sky-blue data that lead away from the cavern that Jellymon resided in and called home, leading into a forest of multiple colonies of coral, and once she saw the trail, the Mollusk Digimon's eyes widened in fear. "Oh, sweet Yggdrasil..." she fearfully muttered to herself, as she swiftly swam into the forest, following the trail, and with each movement she made, her own code began to sink like an anchor- Especially her heart. When she wandered into the heart of the coral forest, however, the trail had stopped, as did the beating of her heart for a brief moment. What she saw before her was a large, red crocodilian-esque Digimon with the limp, unmoving body of Pichimon in its jaws, data flowing out of the gnashes on the tiny baby Digimon's body. The Digimon that she saw before her instantly made Jellymon's data run cold in a matter of mere milliseconds. This was no mere Crocodilian-esque Digimon in the slightest. What it was, in total actuality, was one of the Seven Great Demon Lords- Leviamon.

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