The Final battle! The Devourer of Space's Betrayal, and Ascendance to Godhood!

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(A/N- And so, it begins here in the second part of the 3-part finale. The final confrontation with The Nixel Armada and Regulusmon in Neowise has begun at last, but Gulus manages to notice something out of the ordinary the moment he's willingly set loose by Gammamon that will change everything. The Devourer of Space's true past as the Midnight Killer comes to light, all while all manners of the unthinkable all begins to happen in the second-to-final chapter of Mixels Ghost Game; Genesis of Worlds!)

'The Digimon, the Mixels, and countless other innocent lifeforms have all begun taking refuge in places all across the globe. Human society is in complete and total anarchy after all digital technology had stopped working, excluding the D-Vigors and the Rainbow Pendits, as well as Society now trying to fight back against the Nixel Armada alongside the stranded Digimon. And now, with the aid of Kuzuhamon, Lillithmon, and the Lords in Black, Casey, Henry, Camilla, Gammamon, and all their friends have traveled to the Digital World- Or at least, what remains of it, as well as Mixel Land, the Mixel Moon, and Mixopolis. In other words, a dimension that holds the remains of devoured worlds known only as Neowise- To not only uncover the truth, but to also confront not only Major Nixel and King Nixel, but also Regulusmon, to restore the home worlds of both Mixelkind, and the Digimon to their former glory... All by making the predictions buried within the prophecy a reality, as the final battle begins, but not before they confront one last opponent...'


"Go no further." BloomLordmon said, pointing his spear at all 114 heroes that stood before him and the tower that was slowly collapsing apart at the seams. "The path that you seek is the one that none may tread." He ominously said, his eyes gleaming with an ugly grey light, before clutching his head, the blue light of his eyes returning. "Grh... Humans, Mixels, and..." His eyes then landed on Betel Gammamon, as they then narrowed. "... The descendants of the Devourer..." He muttered, as Betel only snarled. "My big brother and I have names, you know!" He bared his fangs, as Casey stepped forward. "A whole bunch of Digimon, Mixels, and other creatures from across multiple universes have taken refuge on Earth. So many people are confused after devices such as computers and phones had stopped working back home in our world." She explained, as Amber stepped forward, and held onto her best friend's hand. "Everyone who ended up in our world is feeling homesick and confused because of what Regulusmon has done, devouring their homes and letting whatever remains end up in this crazy, backwards dimension!" She said, as Symbare Angoramon nodded, stepping forth. "We're going to take Regulusmon on in his own turf, make the prophecy of the Rising Sun come true, and bring our worlds back, as well as get them and the other devoured worlds, out of Neowise!"

Casey looked over at the two of them, and then nodded as Henry stepped forth. "Our dad said that there's some sort of entity helping those who end up in Neowise escape to Ea-" He tried to say, before BloomLordmon tapped the bottom of his staff against the ground, creating a shockwave that, luckily, didn't push anyone back, but it did create several cracks in the ground. Flain stepped forward, not about to back down. He had come so far since he ended up in the Human World, from it starting out with it all coming down to just being him, Vulk, Zorch, and Gammamon, to Everymixel reuniting, all thanks to the efforts of the humans they had partnered up with, as well as all the help they had received from Symbare Angoramon, Tesla Jellymon, Yaksamon, and Hover Espimon. "Someone IS sending Digimon and all sorts of other forms of life to Earth from within Neowise, isn't there?" The leader of the Infernites asked, crossing his arms, as BloomLordmon loosened his grip on his spear, no longer pointing it at the group. "Suppose that someone within this pocket dimension is doing just that. What would you and your amigos do, little Pheonix chick?" The Mega level Digimon asked, getting down on one knee to match up to Flain's height. "Why send us, the Digimon, and all those countless other creatures who had their worlds devoured by Regulusmon to Earth? What's happening to our worlds while their remains are trapped here in Neowise? Would they help us fight the Devourer of Space? We'd talk to them!" The leader of the Infernites tried to say, before the grey light returned came back, as he clutched his head. "N-No..." He groaned in pain. "I may be fighting against the mental poison that comes with being Nixed, but I will protect what remains of the colorful world's God... Who has focused on saving all those who end up in Neowise to bring forth a new chance at life without having to fret about the worst possible outcome..." He then narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Betel Gammamon. "It seems that you and your friends haven't yet been infected by your father's poison... Be that as it may, children, and..." He then noticed Camilla, Kaitlyn, Bianca, and Lucas. "... Adults, if any of you even as much as move an inch closer to me... I won't hesitate to attack!" He said, pointing his spear at the Chosen Ones once more. Flain only sighed. "Well, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, but you know what else nobody expects? Legendary heroes! Guys, let's do this!" He said, turning around to face everyone else, as they nodded, as the 4 champion Digimon all digivolved into their ultimate forms, and then straight to Mega, while most of the Mixels either mixed or maxed, while both branches of the Infernites, Frosticons, and the Glorp Corp Giga-Maxed, as did the Wiztastics and Munchos.

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