Chapter 4

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Over the next week I returned to University and got back to my everyday routine. I recieved a message from Harry every so often which was nice. I hadn't seen him since that night at the pub because he had  been around Europe for the week doing some promo.He was due back Saturday morning and had the weekend off so he informed me. Friday night I was sat in bed on my laptop reading through my mentions which mainly consisted of ''Omgggg how did you get Harry to follow you'' and ''can you get Harry to follow me'' Just as I was dozing off the sleep my fun buzzed making me jump. It was a text from Harry. I was kinda expecting it as we normally texted a couple of times a day and I hadn't heard from him at all that day. The message read ''Lou and Tom have invited us around for dinner tomorrow night if your interested? I was thinking we could make a day out of it go some where for the day or something before it?'' This message made me smile because he almost made us sound like a coule which I liked alot! I texted back that I would love to and continued to go through twitter clicking onto Harrys page to see what he had been doing for the day.

Saturday morning I woke up early to get ready, I didn't know what Harry had planned for the day but I was excited. Lou and Tom were also coming which I was relieved about as there would be no awkwardness. I had texted Lou the night before to ask her what to wear and she said ''Go Casual trust me'' So that morning I themed my balck leggings with a simple white t-shirt and threw on a pair of coverse. I tied my hair in a messy bun and applied some poweder to my cheeks. It was London of course so I added my pink hollister hoddie to finish my look. I just hoped I wasn;t too casual but from Lou's message this was the vibe I got and the one I was stinking with. Around 12 o clock I aswered the door to a beautiful curly haired boy. Harry was wearing a grey Ramones t-shirt some black jeans and white converse. I hadn't seen him in a week and god if anything he had gotten fitter. He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and told me it was good to finally see me again.He hurried me out to his jeep as we were late for where ever we were going. I hopped in to the car where I saw Lou Tom and their gorgeous little girl Lux who Harry was crazy about. ''We're going to the footieee'' Tom bellowed when I entered the Jeep. Lucky for Harry I was a girl who was into sports and a day at the football sounded like good craic to me.We went to watch Tottenham Hotspurs play Manchester United. Harry had arranged for a private box for us bit still stopped for pictures with anyone that asked on the way in. He was so good like that he never said no to anyone.Lou Tom Harry and I had great banter during the match. They teased me about being Irish and us having a rubbish football team. Harry played with Lux through the match aswell and seeing him with her made him even more attractive. At half time Lou and Tom had to leave as Lux had eaten too much sweets and proceeded to vomit all over herself and Lou. This was partially Harrys's fault as he was the one feeding her but Lou was so layed back she never mentioned it. We sais our goodbyes and would speak to them later as we were going for dinner at theirs. For  the rest of the match it was just Harry and I. It wasn't awkward at all as I feared it would be as now I was beoming alot more comforable in Harry's presence. He really was just a nice geuine guy. He told me about their trip around Europe and what they say and did, while I told him about my week at Uni. Both of us were engrossed in the match when Harry out of the blue turned to me out of the blue and said ''You look beautiful today I like your casual look err never mind I like your look in general'' I'm sure if he meant to say it out loud but he had and he made me blush like crazy.

After the game Harry stopped for a few more pictures and we headed back to his jeep. As we were doing so a girl started shouting Harry and I ignored it at first until she shouted out ''Oiii slut stay away from Harry we all know your just after his money'' I continued to ignore her but Harry turned to her and politely yet sternly said ''Could you please not be so vulger and rude to my friend please'' and put his hand on my sholder escorting me back to his jeep. Neither of us mentioned what happened instead spoke about the band that played on the radio

. We pulled up outside Lou and Tom's house after a 10 minute drive. I was a town house in Hackney that had alot of charachter which I loved. The eveing at Lou and Tom's was mint. We eat drank wine a laughed a everything. Later in the night Lou's twin sister called over and we sat chatting and laughing until the early hours of the morning. We had all consumed alot of alcohol and Lou invited me to stay. '''There's a spare room hun and H stays all the time so we're used to it'' I knew I was to drunk to make my way home so agreed to Lou's invitation. ''H will show you where it is'' Tom answered giving us a wink as he did. I walked up the stairs a bit shaky from one too many wines and Harry walked behind me. He showed me where I was sleeping and them we both stood looking at each other.''God he was so attractive I thought'' and just then my thoughts disturbed. Harry neared his face close to me and looked directly into my eyes as he did this I felt like he was looking through my soul. He then placed his hand on my waist and pulled me in closer to him. I let him take control. He tilted his head slightly and his lips met mine. I felt and instant spark when they did. Our lips over lapped each other and our tounges slowly became intwined in each others mouths. We started to move into the room as our kiss became deeper. Suddenly Harry pulled away and looked at me my heart broke a little when he did this. He continued to look into my eyes and hold me close and in his lilting tones said ''Babe I really like you and I like you that much that I wanna take things slow there is no rush with this lets wait until the time is right'' With that he placed a kiss on my forehead and headed down stairs. As he did so he whispered to himself'' You did the right thing even it it didn't feel like it now, remember what Lou said''.  I watched Harry walk down the stairs until he was out of site and entered the bed room. Deserate for Harry to return and say he had made a mistake, but deep down I knew what he said wass true. There was no rush with thinfs I liked him he liked me and thats all that mattered. Maybe the Harry Styles I had read about in the media wasn't really the real Harry Styles after all.

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