Chapter 6

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I arrived in home on Sunday around noon and was quickly interigated by my flat mates. Ash asked casual question about what we did and who with but the fan in Lizzy kept coming out ''What colour was his kitchen'' was one of many precular questions she asked me. After I was free from Lizzy's questioning I hopped into the shower and lay on my bed for a while. Last night was a late one and my eyes were starting to feel a bit heavy.I dozzed off into a nap and was rudley awaken by Lizzy about 20 minutes later running in a jumping on top of me in the bed. ''Have you u seen the daily mail website'' she screeched at me. I didn't know what she was talking about but after a second it clicked in my mind.  One of the papz had caught me and Harry. I felt sick at the thought of the storyline before I had even read it. Lizzy threw her phone at me so I could see the article. ''Harry Styles is at it again'' The headline read. The pictures that accompanied the article was Harry leading me by the hand into his house. I had to admitt If I had saw these pictures as an on looker I would have thought the same thing but it wasn't what it looked like. ''We just had breakfast'' I exclaimed in annoyance to myself. My phone then buzzed on my bedside table it was Harry calling. I answer the phone with an annoyed Hello and I could istantly sense Harry's sorryness from his tone. ''Hi Dawn are you ok I'm just a bit worried about you after seeing the article'' he apologsingly told me. I wasn't mad at him, this wasn't hus fault and he had to live with this kinda thing everyday of the week which made me pity him so much. It really must be so hard.''Don't worry about it Harry its not your fault and worse things have happened'' I reassured him and then made a descion I felt as if Harry had been making all the effort with us and now it was my turn. ''Harry babe if your not busy tonight the girls are goimg out and I though we could watch a movie at mine if you wanted'' I enquired. Harry sounded surprised at this invitation but immedietly agreed saying he would love to.

That evening I cleared the girls out of the flat even though Lizzy put up alot of resistance. I tidied around the place to keep myself busy because I couldn't help but feel so nervous. We were going to  order a pizza and watch The Silver Linings playbook.I heard a knock at the door around 8:30 an instantley felt butterflies in my stomach. I opened the door to see Harry standing infornt of me wearing a black t-shirt dark grey jeans and his now trademark white converse.''God he is so perfect'' I thought to myself looking at him in complete admiration. He greeted me with a smile revealing his dimples and then placed a light kiss on my cheek.'Hey Babe'' he said his husky voice getting me like it always did. He walked into my flat and jumped onto the couch instantly making himself comfortable. This made me smie he was so laid back I loved it. ''Make yourself at home'' I smirked to him. ''Don't worry I will babe'' he replied smirking back at me and giving me a cheeky wink.I settled next to him on the couch and Harry then turned to face me''Sorry babe about all the stuff in the papers today'' he apolgiesed. ''It's not your fault and lets just forget about it Harry'' I replied giving him a reassuring smile. We chatted for a bit about University and why I decided to come to London and then Harry got straight to the point ''I'm starving babe lets order this pizza before I waste away to nothing'' he joked We looked through the menu and picked out or order. Harry teased me about what I choose and made me laugh as he did serveral time that evening. Once the foot arrived Harry and I lounged on the sofa eating our food and watching the movie. Sometimes one of us asking a question or speaking of our likes for ceratin charachters.Towards the end of the movie I felt Harry put his arm around me and I instinctly brought myself closer to him. I felt so comfortable with him now and everything about this night just felt natural. Our coversation flowed and we laughed at what each other said. Things felt right.

As the titles of the movie ran. I felt Harry bring himself even closer to me. And place one tender kiss on my lips before looking into my eyes''I have literally been waiting to do that all day'' he whispered to me.'' All day I best make it worth it then'' I replied with a smirk. Harry then grabbed me close to him placed another kiss on my lips this time it was full of passion. He gently slipped his tounge into mine and placed his hands around my waist. Pulling me so close that I could feel his body on mine. Our passionate kisses last for what felt like such a short time and  I wanted it to last forever. Then Harry's mouth moved from my mouth and started to kiss my jawline and moved down to my neck. It felt so good and I let out a moan to let Harry know I approved.''You ok with this babe'' he whispered between placing gentle kisses on my neck.''Yess'' I sighed trying to catch my breath. ''Good'' he moaned. Harry contined to move between my mouth and neck and then I felt a sweet sensation as Harry began sucking on neck. It felt soo good , he made me feel so good. As he did this words escaped from my mouth that I couldn't control''Stay the nightt pleasee Harry'' I groaned. As I said this I immediatley regretted it because I felt Harry pull away from me. ''I really like really wanna stay the night but lets not move to fast because I like you alot I mean alot alot and if we move to fast me might wreck something and I really don't wanna risk that''. This made my heart melt and I smiled at Harry ''You're a serious gent Styles do you know that your mum would be proud'' He just winked at me '' I'm partial to a snog and a cuddle though'' he laughed. ''Sounds pefect to me''  I laughed placing my head on his chest. For the next hour an hour we lay laughing and talking about everything and anything. Harry occasionally played with my hair which made me feel like we were in the scene of a movie of something. Harry knew how to treat a lady and I had never been treated like this by a guy in my life. Harry really was not who everyone thought he was and I loved the fact that was on of very few people that knew that.'' Harry remember the other night when you said remember what Lou said when we were kissing, what did she say? I enquired when there was a break in the conversation. He hesitated for a moment before answering ''Ok this is gonna sound really cheesing but yeah I told Lou how much I liked you cause I really do more than I have liked someone for ages and she told me to just take things slow'' Extreamly pleased with his answer I placed a small kiss on his t-shirt cover chest. 'I really like you to and I don't think I 've ever been treated so well by a guy'' I told him. ''I try my best'' he smirked poking my side in a teasing way that made me laugh. We both just lay there content in each other company.

The next thing I remember waking up in my bed. I must have fallen asleep on Harry and he brought me into bed. All of a sudden I felt warmth around my body and realised Harry was asleep beside me his hands wrapped frimly around my waist and his curly hair nestled into the back of my neck. I layed there smiling and fell back into a sleep happy to know I had Harry's warmth and touch next to me.

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