Chapter 8

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That day at university I couldn't concentrate all day as I was constantly thinking of seeing Harry later on.Around 4 o clock that eveining Harry picked me up. He greeted me with that million dollar smile and a long but passionate kiss on the lips. I loved the feel of his lips on mine and could get used to feeeling of it every day I thought to myself.We drove chatting to each other Harry telling me about his Mum and sister coming down to London this weekend and me telling him about my upcoming exams. Whilst Harry sang along to the radio during a break in out conversation I simply sat and watched him. He had a white tshit on with a denim shirt over it not bottoned and some black jeans. I loved his style it was so layed back yet made him look so gorgeous. A smile spread across his face when he realised I was looking at him he turned to face me keeping one eye on the road as he did,''Like what you see'' he questioned. I didn't want to sound to keen so I replied with ''It's not bad'' and gave him a cheeky wink. As I did this he took my hand in his and whispered 'Well I think you look fit today anyway'' and replied with a wink back. The rest of the journey we sat our hands intertwined and I told Harry about Ireland and my family. We reached the Laser Quest centre where I instantly regonised some faces. Louis was stood with Eleanor, Liam with Danielle, Niall with a mate of his Eoghan( who I only knew cause he was famous in Ireland) and Zayn was with Paul. There was a few more I hadn't recognised and I had to admit I felt a bit nervous about spening the day with these ''celebrities'' that I didn't know from Adam.My thoughts were interrupted by Harry saying ''There seems to be a few papz around babe, Are you ok with that?''  I knew I had to face them sometime and it looked like now was it ''Yeah just less of the PDA today Harry'' I replied grining cheekily at him.Once we made it inside I felt more at ease Eleanor and Danielle made me feel really welcome and so did all the boys. Perrie was working so I would have to meet her another time Zayn promised me. I got on particularly well with Niall and Eoghan because they made me feel at home a feeling I hadn't felt for ages. The Laser Quest was so fun and I hit it off with everyone. Harry proudly introdued me to all their crew memebers and this made me feel quiet good about myself that Harry actually wanted to show me off. Whilst everyone was organising themselves after our fierece battle, Harry sat down beside where I stood and pulled my on to his lap, so I sat face to face with him. ''You had a good day'' he asked wrapping his arms around my waist. ''The best''I confessed smiling at him. ''Good, I'm glad'' he replied before placing 2 soft kisses on my lips. We were rudely interrupted my Louis who ran over and proceeded to tell how much Harry loved me. This made Harry blush and he then retaliated my giving Louis the middle finger. I stepped up off Harry's knee and turned to chat to Eleanor while Louis and Harry had a cushion throwing fight. ''You too seem to be getting on really well'' she enquired making me blush. ''I haven't seen him with a girl like that I think ever'' she continued, ''It's early days but we both really like each other well I think anyway'' I replied nervously. ''Well you two look lovely together and if you ever need anything because I know all this can get a bit hectic sometimes seriously give me or Danielle a call' she kindly told, We chatted for a bit longer about the 1D life and what El and I did at University when Eleanor said something that made my stomach flinch ''It's a pity you and Harry met just before the world tour, thats gotta be hard'' she spoke just trying to make conversation. She must have saw the look on my face of surprise and a little ''Crap'' escaped from her mouth. ''He hasn't told you about the world tour yet has he?'' Eleanor questioned even though she knew the answer. I just shook my head. A world tour like seriously I thought to myself, when I didn't see Harry for a couple of days it drove me crazy and it was only early days! How was I going to go months on end without seeing him or had Harry planned for this just to be a pre tour fling. All these thoughs wondered through my head making me feel sick. Then we were interrupted by Harry and Louis coming over Harry placing his hands around my hips form behind me and Louis speaking to Eleanor. ''Harry I really need to go could you take me home please'' I asked as he did this. A look of confusion flashed across his face but he willfully obliged ''Of course babe, is everything all right'' ''Yes fine I told just not feeling too well'' I lied. I said my goodbyes to all the gang agreeing to meet up with Niall and Eoghan soon(The London Irish Crew as we now called ourselfs) and Danielle and Eleanor too. As I hugged Eleanor good bye she whispered ''Sorry babe'' in my ear. I gave her a reasuring smile to let her know I didn't blame her. Harry and I sat in silence on the car journey home Harry occasionally asking if I was ok. I made sure I kept my hands on my lap so Harry couldn't hold them and listened to Radio 1 as it rang out through Harry's jeep.

We pulled up outside mt flat after a 20 minute drive and Harry opened the driver door of his jeep and was just about the step out, when I said ''I'm fine to walk in by myself no need to walk me in''. I was mad at Harry and I didn't know why. I felt as if he had betrayed my trust. Like not telling me ''oh yeah we've started something but for the next year I'm going touring around the world''. It hurt me I wanted more than anythingto be with Harry but how could it happen if I was here in London and he was on the other side of the world. It was different for the other boys and their girlfriends of course it was still hard for them but they had a foundation bulit for their relationship and some of them even lived together. Me and Harry on the other hand had only been on a few dates and barely knew each other but I wanted nothing more than to have what Eleanor and Louis had or Danielle and Liam had. I stepped out of the jeep and slammed the door shut not turining back to look at Harry. Once I got inside I slammed my bedroom door and slummped onto my bed, hot tears filling me eyes. I was so angry, hurt and broken hearted all at the same time. I wanted to be with Harry so much it hurt but how was it going to work. I lay on my bed with my eyes closed tears escaping every so often when I heard my bedroom door open. I didn't sit up instead waiting for a question from Ash or Lizzy. ''Sorry Ashley let me in'' A husky voice filled my room that I instantley regonised. I sat bolt up right and looked at him, his green eyes looking sorrowful. ''Louis rang me and told me Eleanor told you about the tour'' Harry spoke moving closer to me before settling on the  edge of my bed.''I'm sorry babe I didn't know how to tell you and I didn't want to change things between us they've been going so well'' he continued. I let Harry speak for a few moments explaining himself before I spoke. ''Look Harry it doesn't matter we've had fun and it was good while it lasted'' I told him without looking at him. Once I said this Harry got up and sat beside me on the bed and looked straight into my eyes ''Do you think I'm crazy enough to let this go'' he asked me sternly but loveinly. ''I haven't felt like this about a girl for a long time if ever and there is no way I'm letting this finish'' he continued. ''Our tour starts in next month but for for the first two months it's in the Uk & Ireland and you wont even notice I'm gone cause I'll be back in London all the time'' he reassured me '' And for the other legs of the tour you'll be on holidays from Uni so you can come out and visit as much as you want'' I smiled at this. Harry had it all worked out like he had actually thought about it, he really was serious about us and I was too. I cuddled in close to him resting my head in his chest while he slipped his arms around my waist and placed a gentle kiss on my fore head. ''Sorry for no telling you sooner'' he whispered, ''Sorry for overreacting'' I replied, ''It's good to see you care'' he told me. For the rest of the evening we just lay there in each other company so content. I didn't know if this is a good or bad thing but I realised I had fallen badly for Harry Styles while he chatted in the background about their up coming world tour. Occassionally looking down at me to make sure I was still awake. My eyes began to get heavy as the night progressed and I fell asleep on Harry's chest listening to his heat beat underneath me.

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