Chapter 15

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After the boys second night in Dublin I was forced to go back to London to University for exams which Harry wasn't pleased about me leaving but told me he understood. He came with me to the airport  and yet again he stopped to get a picture with some fans who were delighted to see their idol. I knew that it was apart of Harry's job but sometimes I wished Harry wasn't recognised so much and we could say a proper goodbye without loads of people looking at us. We stood at the departure gate and I told Harry I would call him when I landed an he then placed a few soft kisses on my lips before nesttling him curls in my neck telling me he loved me. I replied telling him of my love for him and pulled away making my way towards the departure gate. ''Love you bud'' Harry called after me in his best Dublin accent making me giggle and turn back to flash him a smile.

I landed back in London and travelled by tube to my flat. A few fans recognised me along the way and I just gave them a friendly smile or wave. I'd been in alot of the paper and magazines lately since Harry confirmed we  were together and I was starting to be recognised alot lately especially by teenage girls. I threw my suitcase into my room and slumped on the couch in my flat to tell the girls about all my news from home. And texted Harry to tell him I was back safe in London, we both agreed we would skype tonight after the boys show in Dublin. And we did Harry telling me what him and the boys had gotten up to in Dublin during the day and the fact he had met my sisters after tonights show. My life at the moment was just contionus revision and Harry knew I was stressed out and tired because of my exams to told me to get some sleep and with that we greeted each other good night and that we would speak on skpye after the boys show in Belfast tomorrow!The next day I spent revising and only ventured out of my room to eat and of course the watch ''New Girl'' with my house mates. Harry and I texted during the day like we always did and everything was the same. Except after the show I got a message from him that read ''Really sorry babe can't skype tonight'' This message had taken me by surprise especially the fact that he had given me no reason why so I just replied ''Oh ok, Na night. Love you'' but to no reply with played on my mind a bit as I lay in bed that night. Had I done something to Harry that I was unaware of but I couldn't think of anything and after sometime of worrying I fell asleep with Harry playing on my mind.

The next morning I woke feeling anxious I knew something was wrong before I even opened my eyes. I looked at my phone to find yet again no good morning message from Harry. I sat up in the bed a looked through the apps on my phone trying to ignore the niggling feel playing on my mind. I open the daily mail app and saw the main story ''Harry Styles falls for a fan! But what about his girlfrend?''  I felt sick at reading this. The article claimed that last night in Belfast Harry had asked a fan for her number in the crowd and then was spotted bringing her back to the boys hotel last night. And I usually would'nt believe these stories but it even had pictures of Harry leading the beautiful girl into the hotel with his hand placed in the small of her back like he had done to me on numerous occasions. I sat there in bed my body feeling numb. I then decided to click into twitter to see what was being said on there. This was a silly mistake on there I read of many fans talking about how they had saw Harry whisper to seccurity and point out the girls number he wanted, other fans spoke about waiting outside the hotel in Belfast and seeing Harry bring her back and he ignored them which was not like him at all. The remainder of fans either tweeted me asking if I was ok or the others saying how glad they were Harry had finally gotten rid of me. Some people could really be so vile. On my timeline I saw a link which was claimed to be the girls twitter and my heart sank when I saw her, she was simply beautiful she looked like Megan Fox and was infact at the boys concert last night  as her last tweet read ''Yeahhh One Direction time'' . My eyes began to fill with hot tears and my body became numb. Had Harry really just played me? I though he loved me? All the evidence wasn't looking good for him or me as I lay there in my bed tears streaming down my face feeling completley and utterly heart broken

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