Chapter 2

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I took me a few minutes to adjust to my surroundings but when I finally did I couldn't believe my eyes. I was lying in a booth in the VIP area in Funky Buddah with Harry Styles and looking down upon me. I quickly sat up my head still pouding from my fall and Thanked Harry for his help. I didn't like the whole VIP area. Everyone seemed do famous and the girl on the pages of my glossy magazing was now just a few inches away from me. ''Hii I'm Dawn I introduced myself'' timidly ''Thanks for your helped but I need to go find my friend she'll be by herself'' I spoke quietly. Harry's whole presence intimidated me, I think it was the fact someone who I'd watched on T.V on numerous occasions was now sitting infront of me. ''Babe you don't need to leave so quick'' Harry reassured me''You've had a bad fall and should probably take it easy'' Just as Harry finished his sentence a smily blonde boy who I knew was Niall approached the boot. ''You're from the Midlands am I right?'' He enquired in an accent that was quiet similar to mine. I informed him I was and told her where I was from. We talked casually about are home county and country and for a second I almost forgot who I was speaking to. Niall seemed  and sounded so like the boys I had went to school with and he almost felt like a familiar friend at this time when I felt so out of my dept. After we spoke for a bit Niall was called over by his friend Eoghan and once again I was just left with Harry. An awkward silence started to grow between us but was quickly broken by the sound of my phone. It was a message from Lizzy. It read Gone to a party!! Im sure you'll be fine with styles and crew. Be careful you know what he's like! ;) xx Harry embaressingly read my text and through a smirk said ''well at least you can stay a while longer now now please let me buy you a drink it the least I can do'' I cautiously agreed and Harry and I made small talk all the while I felt out of place and like I was being judged. But Harry didn't seem to notice, he must have been used to it now. Harry and I spoke abiut small things for about 15 minutes every so often a girl would approach Harry and attempt to flirt with him but he always polietly declined. Our conversation was brought to a halt when  Harry best friend Nick(Grimmy) who I listened to every morning and a blonde hair lady called Lou aproached. 'H we're going back to mine now leave you damsel in destress where she is there is plenty more where that came from at mine' Nick bellowed Harry and I both went a shade of red at what Nick had said and Lou apologised in his behalf. Feeling as if I wasn't wanted I stood up and attempted to leave the room. But when I heard Harry call back to Nick ''Oii dickhead I'm gonna stay here with Dawn, I'll speak to you in a bit,'' My feet stopped dead. Had Harry Styles actually just blown off his celeb mates to spend time with me or was this a concusion as a result of my fall. I pinced myself but no it appered to be real! Nick left the club with a group of peole with a sour look on his face, he didn't seem to be happy with Harry's choice of company!

Harry apologised for Nick's behaviour and told me you just had to get to know Grimmy he's not like that really. I took his word for it. We chatted in the corner for another hour until Louis shouted over to us ''Heyy you two sorry to interrupt your DMC but the club is kinda closing''  Had we reallt been speaking for that long it hadn't felt like that, It was just Harry was so easily to talk  I could listen to his husky yet soft chesire tones all night. We stepped outside the freezing club where Harry said his goodbye's to his bandmates and Eleanor who I was looking at in a magazine a couple of hours before even hugged me goodbye. As she walked away I whispered to myself how pretty she was. Harry heard me and muttered back'' Not as pretty as the girl infront of me now'' I was not sure if I had heard him right so I just brushed off the comment and said nothing. Things had all gotten a bit much for me now and I asked Harry if he could get me a taxi home. He looked disapointed when I aked him! Was he expecting something to happen? Was I just another one of these girls I read about him being with? Is that all he thought of me? I didn;t know how to react and just then the cab pulled up. Harry asked for my number and after thinking I gave it to him. I didn't have to answer his calls and messages and I would have felt mean saying no. That was my problem in life sometimes I was just too nice. I climbed into the taxi and as I did Harry whispered in my ear' Night gorgeous really hope we can meet u soon'' The door of the cab closed and I was quickly lost in thought! Did he really mean that? I mean he could have anyone why had he waisted time with me. I just neede to sleep my head had begin to pound again and my eyes were tired. That night I arrived home fell into bed and though ''Had I just spent a night out with Harry Styles?'' 

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