Chapter 11

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Harry invited me around to his house that evening and he told me he was going to a bit late as him and the boys had some phone interviews to do but to let myself in with a key he had left out for me. I hopped on the tube and once getting of at the correct stop I made the short walk to Harry's house. As I approached I saw a few girls sat on the kirb outside his house. I just hoped they were nice fans as last night was a late one and  I wasn't in the mood to be abused by a group of teenage girls. I stopped outside Harry's house a gave a small smile to the girls. The eldest looking one spoke first ''Is Harry not about then?'' she asked in her strong cockey(east London) accent. 'I'm afraid not, he's working late tonight'' I told her and then one of the others girls spoke up ''We're never gonna get to meet him all I want is one picture'' the girl vented. It must have been hard to be a fan of such a big boyband, the fans dedicated so much of their lives to the boys even though they had never met them. I felt bad for these girls so I said ''I tell you what why don't you give me your twitter names and I'll personally make sure he follows them'' The girls faces lit up and I instantly felt better for making these girls happier. And with that they ran of giggling and screeching calling back there Thanks to me. I let myself in to Harry swanky London pad and lay the keys and twitter names on a table just inside the door. I had been in Harry's house a good few times now but never alone and so I took the opportunity to have a proper look around. I examined the pictures that were dotted around the downstairs of the house, their were ones of Harry and his mum, of his sister, the 1D boys, his dad and ones on nights out with Grimmy, Lou and other friends. After a while of inspecting the place I settled into Harrys huge L shaped couch in one of two Living Rooms in his house and turned on the over sized flat screen T.V , I flicked through the channels and eventually decided on a rerun of ''Friends''. Whilst laughing at jokes I had heard before but I still found funny my phone rang and I answered it to hear Harry beautiful tones down the reciever ''Hi babe on my way now but my mum and Gemma have decided to pay a surprise visit and are on the way too, Is that ok?'' he asked me sounding sorry. It was a shock at first the fact I was doing the whole meeting the family thing but I knew how much they meant to Harry and how little they got to see them so I replied with a sweet ''Of course not Harry, don't be silly shall I make them something to eat''. Harry sounded relieved saying ''Would you? You really are the best see you in a bit, oh and Dawn Love you'' I still hadn't got used to Harry saying that to me and when he did the butterflies returned to the pit of my stomach. I told Harry of my retaliated love for him and then hung up the phone! What was I going to cook for  Harry's mum and sister? They had to like me! They had to see I was good for him! Panic mode quickly set in.

I quickly made my way to the kitchen and searched the cupboards and fridge looking for inspiration of what to make. I became even more stressed because Harry really had minimal food here. I eventually decided to make a chicken stir fry with some rice. I quickly pulled out a wok and started to fry the chicken and vegtables. When everything was nearly done and I had began to lay the table I heard the latch of the fromt door unlock and Harry called out my name as he did. It appeard his mum wasn't with him and this was confirmed when he strolled into the kitchen throwing his keys on the counter as he did and greeted me with his world class smile' Hey beautiful, look at you being a domestic godess'' before he came behind me and started to place soft kisses on my neck making me flinch. ''Where's your mum and Gemma'' I asked curious of where his vistors were. He continued to place kisses on me whispering ''I want you so bad right now'' before pulling away and telling me ''Gemma and mum are on their way my mum just need to stop in for a few bits at the shop on the way'' For a second I thought maybe I was off the hook for the time being but the nervous feeling returned to take over my body. Harry must have sensed this because he puled me close and told me to relax, his mum would love me as much as he did. We were interupted from this intimate moment by the sound of a soft chesire female voice''Hiii H, Where are you?'' ''We're in the kitchen mum come through'' Harry replied meeting his mum and sister at the kitchen door. I was so nervous but this was soon dismissed when Harry's mums warm smile greeting me from the door way'' You must be the one and only Dawn, Harry has told me so much about you and it's great to finally meet you poppet'' she told me so kindly that I felt silly for being nervous. Gemma followed her into the room ''Hiyaa Dawn love, I'm Gemma it's really good to me you'' she also spoke in a friendly voice making me relax even more. They were both two beautiful women, Harry looked so much like his mum and I had noticed he got his dimples from her. After a bit of small talk about me and what I did we sat at the table and took into the food which I had prepared. Anne and Gemma praised me contiously making me blush. I sat next to Harry and at one stage during our meal he placed his hand over me and gave it a reassring sqeeze like he had done the night in the pub when I first met his friends.

After our stir fry and some cake Anne had bought we all made our way into Harry's large living room and all made our selfs comfortable. Harry told us about the tour and that tomorrow he had a full day of promo and was dreading being asked the same questions over and over again but he knew it was just a part of the job. As the eveining progressed Gemma and I had broke into our own little conversation we first chatted about Univeristy as we were both students and then we started to speak about the fans ''Most of them are great and lovely but some a just a bit over eager'' she joked.I told her of the horrible things some had said to me and she reasured me to not pay attention to them. I really liked Gemma, she was just like me and she never used the fact Harry was her brother to get anything she wanted which I liked. The conversation flowed all evening between Anne and Harry, Anne and I, Gemma and Harry and all of us.Harry's hand rested protectivly around my shoulder throughout the night which reasured me he was there whenever I needed him. The evening started to turn into night and I was consious that I needed to leave soon as I had an early morning lecture the next morning. I told this to my company and stood up releasing myself from Harry's grip and flattening down my clothes. I hugged Gemma and Anne goodbye and exchanged numbers with Gemma as we agreed to keep in touch. We knew we would see each other next week for the first show and we agreed to grab something to eat together before it. As I walked out the living room door with Harry Gemma called after us ''No need for another love bite this time H the one she has already is enough well mum and I think so anyway'' making me blush like crazy but Harry didn't instead gave Gemma the middle finger and his mum gave him a disaproving look as he did so. Harry  then ushered me out of the living room closing the living room  door behind him giving us some privacy. ''Sorry about Gem thats just her'' he apologised. ''Don't be silly she's lovely and funny'' I reassured him.He moved in close to me and placed a few lingering kisses on my lips before allowing his tounge to roam around the inside of my mouth. He help my waist close to his and pulled away from the kiss ''Love you baby'' he smiled ''Love you more'' I told him. Just then the taxi Harry had rang for me beeped outside to tell us he was there. Before leaving I spotted the twitter names on the table inside the door ''Oh Harry I met some really nice fans outside a while ago I promised you would follow them'' I told him pointing to  the pieces of papers on the table. As I told him this he pulled out his phone picking up the names following them there and then ''Anything for you babe'' he smiled before placing a delicate kiss on my lips. I really wished I could have stayed the night but I could't especially with his mum and sister there. I closed the large door of Harrys house and got into the taxi that waited for me outside telling the driver my address as I did. I sat in the car content that Harry and I had made another step in our relationship! Was the next step the announce it to the world? I pulled out my phone to see a message from Harry ''My mum and Gemma are crazy about you. Let me know when you get home safe baby'' I loved it when he called me baby. I sat looking at the message in the taxi feeling pretty god damn happy.

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