Chapter 17

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Harry stepped inside my flat and I made sure I stood out of  Harry's arm reach because the thought of him touching me right now made me feel so angry. Unsually when I saw Harry no matter how I was feeling he cheered me up, made my heart skip a beat but right now all I felt was resentment and anger. Harry strolled into the kitchen trying to make eye contact me but I never let him. I hopped onto the kitchen counter and was to first to speak. ''Come on then, tell me the full of shit story you and managment have come up with for the media that you're gonna try fool me with aswell'' I shouted not meaning to shout as loud as I did and now that I began I couldn't stop ''You make me feel sick looking at you right now all I want to do is make you feel the hurt you have put me through, you're literally pathetic''. I knew what I was saying was harsh but seeing Harry now made me think about how much he had hurt me and I wanted him to feel even half of that pain I had. ''Everything the media says about you is true you're nothing but a spoilt little rich boy who thinks they can have what ever girl you want and I was just a pet project of yours to try fool the media'' I continued to shout at Harry my voice now beginning to shake as hot tears filled my ears, Harry stood there looking at me taking all my abuse towards him like he knew he deserved it. I finished my fit with an angry whisper that seemed to get Harry the most ''Did you ever even love me or was it all just a game to you that became too much when you saw something you wanted in Belfast'' I stopped talking now as a stream of tears escaped from my eyes unable to speak anymore. I had been waiting to release all that on Harry since the first day I found out but it hadn't given me the relief I had wanted it to. I slumped down off the counter making my way to the bathroom to wipe away my tears when Harry grabbed my wrist and stared straight into my eyes ''Say what you want but please don't question my love for you'' I pulled out of his grip, his words meaning nothing to me compared to what they used to. I walked into the bathroom wiping my eyes and trying to compose myself. I turned to see Harry watching me at the door frame with a pityful look on his face. ''Can you please just give me a few minutes to explain myself and then I'll leave if you want'' Harry asked me softly. I didn't reply instead sat at the edge of the sofa looking at him for the first time since he had arrived to show him I was ready to listen to his excuse.

He sat beside me trying to take my hand but I pulled it away from him. I wasn't going to let him use his charm to get away with this. He then took a deep breath and began to speak ''I was an idiot I admit it but it's not what you think. The guys and I were going to a party that night in Belfast and Niall had spotted that girl in the crowd and wanted to bring her to the party so told me to point her out to Paul so he could get her number and bring her to the party'' I stopped him in midst of his 'story' ''Harry babe her is Shaniece I know her name and have seen her and if she was Niall's pick why were you seen with her going back to the hotel, you can't spill some nonscence story to me I know everything and I've seen your pictures with her''. Harry spoke again still softly even though I could tell he was annoyed I had interupted him ''Let me finish, so after the show Paul brought her back stage but Niall's mum had turned up and he couldn't exactly ditch his mum for her so he asked me to take her back to the hotel where the party was and he would meet us once finished with his mum, I know this was stupid I should have thought about what the media would think and about you but it never occured to me at that time, I waited with her back at the hotel cause I felt a bit bad for leaving her on her own and she asked for a picture so I agreed, yes they were flirty pictures and I apologise baby but I only have eyes for you and you only I swear on my mums life that is the truth'' Harry finished speaking and looked at me for a reaction but I still wasn't satisfied I asked why he didn't tell me about this party and why he didn't contact me until it had all come out in the media ''I didn't tell you about the party because I didn't want to make you paranoid that I would be in a room full of willing girls, funny how that worked out for me and to be honest the next morning I didn't wake up until late and it was all out in the press already'' . I got up from where I sat and paced the room trying to process what Harry had just told me ''You more than likely wrecked my future you know I had my exams that day'' I blurted out realising it sounded a bit harsh once I had. I needed time and space to  allow this all sink in. ''Harry I need to process this all, can you leave please and I'll call you when I'm ready'' I told him coldly. Harry quickly shot up from where he sat ''Course Dawn'' he obliged and walked towards the door. But just before he left he turned and grabbed me close I tried to release myself but his grip was firm ''I love you so much and to see how much I have hurt you makes me hate myself but please believe me baby I havn't done anything because I wouldn't ruin the best thing that has ever happened to me'' he whispered before placing a small kiss on my forehead and closing my flat door behind him. 

Why had he this hold over me like right now I wanted to do nothing more than to lay with him whilst he held me close. But a bit of me still felt pain and heart brake. I thought he was telling the truth but what if he wasn't? What if he had come up with that story with the managment? He sounded so genuine though, I really didn't know what to think. I decided to pull on my jogging pants grab my ipod, and run as far as my legs would carry me whilst music blasted in my ears. Hopefully this would help me think clearer.Was this the end of me and Harry or just the first test  our relationship faced? That was the huge descion that faced me as I ran and ran as far away as I could.

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