Chapter 13

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Over the next week I slowly recovered with the help of Harry and my flat mates. Every evening after tour rehersals Harry would come over and spend the night taking care of me and nursing me better. The following Saturday I left the house for the first time. It was the day before the boys world tour was starting and all the boys, their families, friends and girlfriends were meeting up for lunch. I still wasn't 100 percent better but I wanted to go for Harry and his dad was going to be there so I wanted to meet him aswell since I had already met his mum and Gemma. 

That morning I lay in bed in Harry's house whilst he took a shower I pulled out my phone and decided to ask Gemma and Eleanor what they were wearing just to get an idea what to wear. They both said they were keeping it pretty casual so I lay in bed thinking about what I could wear. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Harry walking into the room in nothing but a towel. I lay there admiring him without saying anything. I really couldn't believe he was mine!! After I finished admiring him for a sufficent amount I time I spoke ''Trying to tease me Harry'' I asked with a grin. He didn't answer instead threw his towel at me covering my eyes and before I could pull it off he stood infront of me in his boxers currently buttoning up a blue checked shirt over his toned turso. ''Just think of how much you want me now and remember it later'' he said winking and returned to the bathroom. I didn't think I could ever forget how much I wanted him at that moment but after recovering I pulled myself out of Harry's king sized bed and made my way to the bathroom. I was currently wearing Harry's grey ''Ramones'' tshirt and my hair sat in a messy bun on my head. But I didn't care what I looked like Harry had seen me looking at lot worse last week when I was ill and still told me I looked beautful so I was now so comfortable around him. I made my way into the bathroom where I was met by Harry fully dressed at the door way. ''You look incredible in my tshirt'' he told my picking my up and placing me on the counter in the bathroom  as I wrapped my legs around his waist, he began to kiss me our tounges flirting with each others mouths as Harry began to move down from my mouth kissing my jaw line and nippling on my ear while doing this he whispered slowly in my ear ''You're incredible, baby'' and then began to move down my neck leaving trails of kisses as he did making small moans and Harry's name escape from my mouth. He began to suck on the sweet spot of my neck but I pulled away. ''I'm not having another love bite meeting your mum and dad today''I told him smiling. Harry frowned and placed a kiss on my nose before lifting me off the counter. I walked over the the large shower turning it on while Harry called out he was going down to make a cuppa and would I like one.I showered had some breakfast and Harry drove me to my flat to get ready for our lunch. On the way there we chatted about Harry meeting my family in Ireland when he played there in two weeks. I was excited for him to meet them, I'd told them so much about him on the phone and they couln't believe I was in a relationship with actual Harry Styles. They were eager to me him and by the way Harry spoke he was eager to meet them too, ''If they're anything like you they wil be pretty amazing people and I love the Irish'' he told me on the car journey to my flat as we sat fingers intertwined in each others.

I got ready with the help of my flat mates while Harry decided to go meet his Dad off the train from Manchester. I decided to wear a white high waited skirt with a  light blue denim shirt tucked into it with a cute pair of white brogues and my usual brown over sized handbag. I slightly curled my hair and applied my makeup. Once ready, I called Harry to see where he was and waited for him to arrive. When he was outside I made my way outside to his Range Rover where Harry waited for me standing outside his jeep.I smiled at him waiting for me find it hard to believe he was actually waiting for me. He approached me placing a soft kiss upon my lips ''You look so pretty'' he told me whilst placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me to the jeep. We arrived at  a small cosy resturant in the suburbs of London where I instantly regonised many familar faces that I had met over the last month or so.  Harry first introduced me to his dad because he was keen for us to meet. ''Dad this is Dawn, Dawn this is my dad Des'' Harry told us both and stood with us as we became familiar with each other. Once we were acquinted quiet well we all found our seats. I sat beside Harry and Gemma and Eleanor and Louis sat across from us. The lunch was a balst I chatted with everyone the boys, their girlfriends, Gemma, Lou Teasdale even the other boys families and friends. Everyone was so lovely and they were all excited for the boys to embark on their world tour. As the lunch came to a close the boys manager Marco stood up to say a speech about how proud he was of the boys and even thanked me for finally taming Harry which made to whole table laugh. And with that we all said our goodbyes knowing we would see each other tomorrow for one of the most exciting daysof the boys lives. 

On the car journey back to Harry's I was quiet and this was noticed my Harry. ''Is everything ok babe? Has someone said something to upset you'' he asked sounding concerned. He knew that fans had been vile to me on twitter since he announced we were together and always told me to tell him if it became to much. He was so protective over them kind of things. I reassured him I was fine but Harry knew me too well and wouldn't give up. I eventually told him the truth. That I was so scared of losing him once he went on the world tour and I knew it would be really hard for us but I really wanted us to get through it because I loved him so much. Harry smiled at my worries as we pulled into his garage and took my hand ''I love you too much to let anything happen to us and you're gonna be sick of the sight of me you're gonna see me so much while I'm on tour I promise I'll fly home every night If needs be'' he told me pulling me in close to him. He always knew the right thing to say and how to make me feel better which was one of the many things I loved about him. As we made our way into Harry's he whispered in my ear ''Remember how I told you to not forget about how much you wanted me earlier on, well I'll race you upstairs'' he cheekly told me and even if it was cheeky I stil obliged as we both ran up stairs and closed the bedroom door shutting out the rest of the world because all that mattered at that time was Harry and I and how he was about to rock my world! Hey they were his words not mine!


Hiii ,was a bit of a filler chapter so sorry its kinda crap but there is exciting things coming up for Harry and Dawn so please keep reading and let me know what you think! xx :) 

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