Beginning Author's Note

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Hello, fellow Wattpad reader!

Thank you so much for choosing to read my story! Seriously. It means so much to me that you're actually taking the time out of your day to read this. Thank you so much. I love you already.

I suppose this authors note should start off with listing the tributes in my story. So:

From The Hunger Games: Katniss, Peeta, and Gale
From Harry Potter: Harry, Ron, and Hermione
From The Maze Runner: Thomas, Minho, and Newt
From Marvel: Iron Man (Tony Stark), Captain America (Steve Rogers), and Thor
From The Hobbit: Bilbo, Thorin, and Legolas
From Divergent: Tris, Tobias, and Caleb


Here's how this is going to work: Every chapter is going to be a different tribute's point of view. At the beginning of the story, there will be a pattern, but as the story goes the pattern will fade (because people will die, obviously).

Some chapters of this story will be very long, and some will be rather short. Remember, I am juggling with 18 different POVs here, so just bear with me.

Okay, you're probably thinking this by now: "Wow, she's so copying other authors by doing a 'The Fandom Games' type of story." I know there are in fact a lot of 'Fandom Games' stories out there. But, honest to God, I didn't know that until halfway through the book. I just looked at my favorite six fandoms and thought "I should throw them in The Hunger Games" and that was that. I was completely unaware that there was many people out there who had the same idea as me. So I'm not copying anyone. At all. Please keep that in mind.

I'm sorry about the crappy description. I really suck at making them. So thanks for choosing to read it despite the sucky description. And the cover. The cover is kind of lame and cheesy too. Sorry. I just can't seem to make it better.

Also, the story title. One Lucky Winner. When I started this I was 14, and didn't actually think I was going to get serious about this book, so I chose that for a title. I know it's SO lame. It's already sunken in, though, and It'd be weird if I called it anything else at this point. So I'm sorry. I know it's a lame title.

This story contains spoilers for The Death Cure, book three of The Maze Runner series. So I suggest reading that before you read this.

One last thing: if this were a movie, I'd give it a PG-13, for mature humor, some swearing, some violence and gore, and mild sexual references. Read at your own risk.

(I really hope I didn't make it too violent and graphic. If at any point in the story you think I did please tell me. Because I do NOT want this story to get a mature rating.)

Thanks again for choosing my story! It means the world to me. I love everyone who reads this! I also love helping people, so if you need anything, anything at all, just slide into my PMs.

Feel free to comment your thoughts and suggestions about this story. I love comments and people who comment, so feel 100% free to.

Happy reading! Also, don't forget to vote! 😉

(P.S. I don't own any of the characters. All rights go to JK Rowling, James Dashner, Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, JRR Tolkien, and Marvel.)

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