Chapter - 17

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Jang-soo and Yeon-hwa stood at the door, their eyes locked in a moment of shared determination. Jang-soo clutched a tin bucket and a pole in his hands, ready to lure the sphere away, while Yeon-hwa braced herself to enact her plan. With a nod of mutual understanding, they silently conveyed their trust in each other.

Few minutes ago...

"Fine then. Let's do this. I have a plan," Yeon-hwa said calmly as the students looked at her with curiosity. "I don't know if it will work. But, for now I think we have to try."

Young-shin stepped forward. "So, what's your plan, Yeon-hwa?"

Yeon-hwa glanced at him. "Do you guys remember when we first encountered the spheres? We found out that they are weak against cold."

"Okay. So, What does that have to do with this situation?" Chi-yeol asked with genuine interest.

"Well I found some Nitrogen oxide gas in a room. You know what that mean?" The group now realized what Yeon-hwa was trying to say. "So, my plan is Jang-soo will lure the spheres away while you all escape with the truck. I will go fetch the gas can and help Jang-soo."


Jang-soo and Yeon-hwa exchanged a final glance, steeling themselves for the dangerous task that lay ahead. The other students opened the door, allowing a gust of wind to rush in, carrying with it a sense of urgency. Without wasting another moment, Jang-soo stepped outside, luring the sphere away, and Yeon-hwa bolted out in the opposite direction, her footsteps echoing through the deserted place.

Jang-soo's heart pounded in his chest as he ran, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Every instinct told him to look back, to ensure that Yeon-hwa was safe, but he knew that his focus had to remain on luring the sphere away. Jang-soo ran with all his might, his heart pounding in his chest as he desperately tried to outrun the relentless pursuit of the sphere. Fear and adrenaline coursed through his veins, but his unwavering trust in Yeon-hwa propelled him forward.

Meanwhile, Yeon-hwa swiftly approached a nearby storage container, her mind focused on her mission. The sound of her own breath filled her ears, synchronized with the rapid thumping of her heart. She pushed the door open, revealing the darkness within. With a sense of urgency, she grabbed the nitrogen oxide gas can and clutched it tightly in her hand, knowing that time was of the essence.

Her heart pounded with dread and anxiety as she raced to find Jang-soo. Every passing second felt like an eternity, stretching the limits of her endurance. The sound of her own footsteps on the concrete created a symphony of determination, driving her forward. She couldn't bear the thought of failing Jang-soo, and the weight of responsibility pressed heavily on her shoulders.

In the distance, she heard bangings on the door, signaling Jang-soo's presence. She pushed herself to run faster, her muscles burning, gasping for breath. Finally, she saw Jang-soo against the metallic door, defenseless. Without hesitation, she swiftly opened the nozzle of the gas can, the hiss of escaping gas filling the air. A cloud of freezing nitrogen oxide billowed forth, enveloping the sphere in a chilling embrace.

The sphere faltered, its movement disrupted by the freezing gas. Its once relentless pursuit turned sluggish, as if trapped in an icy prison. It tumbled to the ground, its slimy exterior coated with a layer of frost. Yeon-hwa continued to spray the gas, ensuring the sphere was fully frozen and incapacitated.

With a heavy sigh of relief, Yeon-hwa finally released the nozzle and let the gas can fall to the ground. The scent of the freezing gas mingled with the crispness of the night air, creating a surreal atmosphere. She turned to Jang-soo, her breath coming in rapid bursts, and asked breathlessly, "Was my timing terrible?"

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