Chapter 176-180

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Chapter 176 An Uninvited Guest

  As the environment became more relaxed, Tang Mo's heart began to stir.

  She was waiting for a suitable opportunity to successfully reach the human tribe on the other side of the mountain and find out the whereabouts of Qin Ling.

  Soon, this opportunity appeared in front of Tang Mo.

  Orangutans go to bed very early, Tang Mo is not used to sleeping on the same bed with others, so at the very beginning, he used dry wooden planks to build a bed for himself in Dahua's cave.

  She has never been a person who would make herself suffer, so a thick mattress was placed on the simple plank bed, and her usual bedding was placed on it, which was extremely comfortable.

  Of course, Tang Mo also added a mattress to Da Hua with a wink.

  This is a way to buy her off telling other people that she has space.

  In fact, she could change Dahua into a more fitting and beautiful dress, but thinking that Dahua would definitely not be able to resist showing off and wearing it out, she decided to give it up.

  After all, Da Mao and A Li never came to their daughter's cave, and doing something in the cave was not easy to be discovered.

  Every time around 9 o'clock in the evening, Dahua fell asleep, and the whole mountain was very quiet, and there was no sound at all.

  Of course Tang Mo wouldn't go to bed after 9 o'clock.

  what to sleep! Her ranking is about to fall below the top 100, so why is she in the mood to sleep!
  What a big heart that is.

  Although she doesn't want to use foreign objects to improve her strength to improve her ranking, she doesn't care about this ranking at all.

  Especially after going home and seeing the concerned eyes of her mother and Uncle Wen, she still can't be too indifferent.

  Sometimes people just have to live in the eyes of those they care about, and there is no way to do this.

  But I don't know if this mountain is more nourishing. Tang Mo recently discovered that the spiritual light ball in the sea of consciousness seems to be restless and ready to move.

  Originally, she only thought that the ball of light was an independent individual existing in the sea of consciousness, and she could borrow its power when using it.

  But now she has a bold idea.

  Perhaps the role of the ball of light is not just to borrow, maybe it can be integrated with one's own body.

  If that's the case, one's own strength will have a very terrifying improvement.

  Tang Mo had great expectations for this, so she spent more time on cultivation recently, even trying to minimize the time for sleeping.

  Tang Mo knew very well that he might have a bit of spiritual talent, or he might have some opportunities that ordinary people don't have.

  But this world is too big, there are heavens and humans outside the sky, and there are others, she will definitely not be the most special one.

  What's more, the emails sent by the ID watch...

  all reminded her that she must work harder and harder, so that she can have enough strength to face the unknown.

  It was already completely dark after nine o'clock, but fortunately, Tang Mo could improve her eyesight so it didn't affect her walking in the dark.

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