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Liv looked over to Thor, seeing him worried as they stood outside the building on Bleeker... 'Whats wrong?..'

He glanced at her and then back at the building... 'It is very much a coincidence, that these stones seem to be appearing here on Midgard, and close to you..'

'I know, but I cannot tell you. Please..'.. She gave his arm a reassuring squeeze... 'Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Come on, let's go get the stone..'.. She pulled him along as she walked up the steps, using her power to open the doors and strolled in... 'Oh Lucy, I'm home!..'.. She called, giggling.

'You know this person? Lucy?..'.. Thor asked, and sent her into a fit of laughter.

'No..'.. She shook her head... 'Its just an old catchphrase, never mind..'.. She let go of him and walked forward, looking around the large entrance... 'I know you're here, and we mean no harm. I need your help..'

'What help do you expect from me?..'.. She heard a male voice, and could feel Thor tense behind her.

'You have the time stone. I'm not here to take it, I just need to touch it, that's all..'.. She said, turning in a circle.

'I know you..'.. She turned again, seeing a man float down the stairs and she smiled, her eyes catching his and she read him.

'I'm flattered Dr Strange, but already taken..'.. She chuckled, holding her hand out to him... 'Olivia Summers..'

'Aren't you supposed to be dead?..'.. He shook her hand, and glanced to Thor behind her.

'Apparently that's what the news has said..'.. She shrugged... 'I've come to talk with you, regarding that..'.. She points to the eye of Agamotto.

'The stone stays with me. As master of the mystic arts, it is my duty to protect it..'.. He says firmly.

'As I said, not here to take it. Is there somewhere we can sit and talk?..'.. She asks, and not a moment later, they were sitting in chairs, around a coffee table, in a large, open room with antiques... 'Neat trick..'.. She waved her hand, changing the scenery to that of a rainforest, and she smiled across at him as he frowned at her.

'You have powers, magic?..'.. He tilts his head to her and she changes it back, making drinks appear on the little table.

'Yes, of three other stones. Reality, Mind, and Space. I'm here because I need the power of the time stone. Something is coming, something big, and I'm the only one to stop it..'.. She said, sitting forward and picking up her cup of coffee, and handing Thor a large ale.

'Liv means you no harm magician, she only seeks to save your world from the Titan..'... Thor smiles at her, before drinking his glass empty. She waves her hand, refilling it... 'Thank you..'

She fills Strange in on what she could tell him, and created illusions to show him how she got the power of the other three stones... Please, I'm asking for your help..'

Strange watches her, and smiles... 'You could have easily taken it from me, even without announcing you were here..'

'Yes..'.. Liv placed her empty cup on the table... 'I thought I'd ask first before resorting to extreme measures..'.. Her words made him chuckle.

Strange nodded at her and stood, the two following him as he walked into a huge library... 'The spell I created to protect the stone, is one only I can break, but from what you have said, you could easily take it..'

'True, but so could Thanos. He already holds the power stone, and so far, we don't know where the soul stone is, but he knows that others are here..'.. Liv sighed.

'The tesseract is on Asgard, in Odins vault. It is not here..'.. Thor frowns, and liv turns to him.

'About that, Loki has it..'.. She saw the disappointment in his eyes as he shook his head at her... 'Don't pout Thor, you'll get frown lines..'.. She turned back to Strange, and folded her arms.

She watched him open the necklace, and the stone floated out between them... 'Are you sure this is safe Liv?..'.. She heard the worry in Thor, and she took a breath.

'Holding this much power, it will hurt, but whatever you don't stop me, just get ready to catch me so I don't hit the floor..'.. She wiped her hands on her trousers, and stepped closer to the stone, her hand reaching out.

As soon as her fingers touched it, she felt pain rip through her, as though she was being torn apart, she couldn't stop the scream that escaped her. She had to take the power, she had to stop Thanos. The time stone showed her every possible future, every choice, every decision she could make.

Thor and Strange has stepped back, the light coming from her, almost blinding them, and her screams sensing shivers right through them. Thor wanted to help, but he knew he could not stop her, he was afraid that this would kill her.

After a few moments, the light dimmed and she stumbled back, into Thors arms, and he lowered her to the floor, cradling her. He could see blood running from her eyes, ears and nose, as she lay unconscious in his arms.

'Come with me, we can take care of her here..'.. Thor looked up at Strange, and scooped Liv up, carrying her as he followed the man to another room. It looked like a bedroom, and he placed her on the bed, sitting on the edge and taking her hand.

'Liv, if you can hear me, I need you to come back to us. I do not think my brother will be too kind if he knew I allowed you to get hurt in my care..'.. He kissed her hand, and turned his head, seeing Strange walk over with a tray of items.

'We can clean her up. Has this happened before?..'.. He set the tray down on the bedside table, and gestured for Thor to do it.

'Yesterday, she felt the time stone. Did you use it?..'.. Thor asked him, as he dunked a cloth in the water, squeezing some out to wipe her face.

Strange did use it, to stop Dormammu, though he never expected to harm another with it. He explained what had happened, and sat on the edge of the bed, the other side... 'There is something about her, that draws you to her, isn't there?..'

Thor chuckled as he continued to clean up the blood... 'Yes. She is stronger, more powerful than we can imagine, yet she is selfless, kind and loyal. She is the reason my brother is a better man, she has made each one of us better..'.. Thor finished, placing the cloth back on the tray as he sighed.

'What is it?..'.. Strange asked him, and Thor gave him a somber look.

'I fear that this will not end well for her, I'm afraid this will kill her..'.. Thor tells him, as he takes her hand in his... 'We cannot lose you sister..'.. Both men sit in silence, as they wait for her to wake up, while Thors words hang in the air.


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