It had been an hour since Mon left for her parent's house. Jin stayed with Sam and Ariee to help her, Sam was quiet since! Jin helped her bathe and feed Ariee. The girl was fussy due to her illness but also because she was missing Mon!
Jin; Sam! - Sam looked at her -
Sam; what do you want Jin?
Jin; I need you to listen carefully while I'm talking about your daughter's health. I won't be here to help you through the night so pay attention!
Sam; I know what to do with my daughter!
Jin; Do you? - Sam rolled her eyes - she's sick as you can tell. It won't be easy watching after her!
Sam; We will be fine! - Jin sighed -
Jin; I'm not sure why you are mad. You shouldn't be the one getting mad!
Sam; She left me Jin, because of a simple mistake!
Jin; She didn't leave you! - Jin rolled her eyes - You act like she asked you for divorce! You're lucky she didn't ask you for divorce yet. Because if it was me I would. You haven't been the greatest wife to Mon, especially what you did last night.
Sam; I didn't cheat! I overslept, that was all!
Jin; You "overslept" in another's girl hotel room! While she was in the hospital taking care of your sick daughter. With no sleep on top of that! When you promised you would've been home early! I wonder how you would feel if you were in Mon's shoes. I'm sure you wouldn't just accept this behavior. Besides Mon needs s break, I think it's good that she's staying at her parent's house!
Sam; Yes, of course, you would agree.
Jin; Sam, I'm being serious here. If you are not too careful you will lose Mon for good. I'm telling you this as your best friend and also someone close to Mon. - Sam stayed silent - I will have to go now. My daughter and husband are waiting for me. Don't forget to give Ariee her antibiotics later! - Sam nodded and watched her friend leave! She looked to her side and saw her daughter playing with her own hands. She smiled and carried the girl up to her room!Mon on the other hand spent her first few hours without her wife and daughter crying. The whole point of her going to her parent's house was to clear her thoughts and rest but that didn't happen. She didn't eat or drink anything. Instead, she cried and cried.
She kept thinking about her daughter and couldn't help but to feel selfish. Maybe she shouldn't have left? How about if she gets more ill? How about if Sam gets ill too?
Maybe she was overreacting to everything? These were the many questions she kept asking herself.
She was regretting leaving them but at the same time, she felt that Sam needed this time away from her! She was trying to punish Sam for what she did!An; Mon, my love. Come and eat dinner with us. - Mon's mom came to her room -
Mon; I'm not hungry Mom!
An; but you haven't eaten anything since you arrived. You've been crying a lot!
Mon; I'm okay... I just - she started to cry again and her mom hugged her -
An; Oh baby! You got this! - Mon nodded while sobbing-
Mon; I miss them...
An; I'm sure you do! - she looked Mon in the eyes and wipes her tears - but you need to eat.
Mon; I'm not hungry Mom! Can you call Sam and check how they are doing?
An; Why don't you call?
Mon; because I'm punishing her, please Mom! Do a video call but don't show my face! I will just listen quietly!
An; Okay.,. - she sighed and called Sam. After a few seconds Sam answer the phone!Sam; Hi Mama An. How are you? - she smiled
An; I'm doing okay sweetie. How's my granddaughter? - Sam moved the camera and showed Ariee seating next to her playing with a toy - She looks much better than earlier.
Sam; She is still fussy but doing okay!
An; Aww, she must miss her mommy - She heard Sam sighs - Her mommy misses you both too - Mon made an angry face at her mom -
Sam; It doesn't seem like it, she made you call to check on us instead of her. And I know she's hiding behind the phone - An let out a giggle when she looked at how annoyed her daughter's face looked!
An; you know your wife so well! - she laughed
Sam; Can you pass the phone to her please Mama An! - She handed the phone to Mon who rolled her eyes at her mother's betrayal!
Mon; I want to see Reeree - that's the first thing Mon -
Sam; Don't you want to see me - Sam pouted
Mon; No! That's the whole point why I'm here, please let me see our daughter - An left the room
Sam; Okay okay - Sam grabbed Ariee and put her on the phone to talk to her mommy -
Mon; Hi baby, hi my baby - the baby got so excited when she heard her mommy's voice and Mon smiled - I miss you so much! Mommy loves you so so much baby girl!
Sam; You don't love me - Sam looked at the camera while pouting -
Mon; Sam!! Put Ariee on the phone -
Sam; Okay - Sam grabbed Ariee and the baby started to cry out of nowhere -
Mon; What happened? - worried
Sam; I'm not sure... she started to cry. I think she's tired! - Sam tried to rock her
Mon; Does she have a fever?
Sam; No, she's just tired.
Mon; Okay, I will let you put her to bed then!
Sam; Can you come home?
Mon; Not yet, Sam!
Sam; Stop playing around Mon and come home!
Mon; I'm not playing around Sam! You should start validating my feelings and then we will talk.
Sam; I do care about your feelings, why would you even say that?
Mon; It doesn't look like it. I gotta go. Please bring Ariee before you go to work tomorrow!
Sam; I'm not doing that!
Mon; Really? This is what you want?
Sam; I'm taking her to work tomorrow!
Mon; Okay Sam! - Mon hung up the phone without waiting for Sam's answer.
Sam made her so upset! Why would she even say that?
Mon was so mad that she screamed so loud and her Mom came into the room again.An; what happened? - she asked worried
Mon; Mom please make me a tea - she took a deep breath!
An; Did you fight with Sam again? - she sighed
Mon; No!
An; Okay, I will make some tea. - she left and Mon lay on her bed. It was going to be a long night!Mon didn't sleep all night. She kept rolling on her bed and walking around the room.
She misses Ariee and Sam! She cried and cried while grabbing her daughter's blanket.
This was torture! She sat on her bed and grabbed her phone. There was a message from her wife and she quickly open it. It was a picture of Sam and Ariee together!"We miss you" - Sam
"Is Ariee, Okay ?" - Mon
"She's sleeping. She's okay! But I'm not! I'm missing you" - Sam
"Sam, go to sleep. It's 2 in the morning" - Mon
"I love you, babe! Please come home!"- Sam
"We will talk another day" - Mon
"Do you still love me?☹️" - Sam
"I do, a lot! But you hurt me and I need you to see it" - Mon
"I'm sorry! I am! I will fix this! I can't live without you! You and Ariee are my everything!"
"I know!❤️"
"I will bring Ariee around 10 in the morning, is that okay?
"Okay, good night!"
"Good night babe ❤️"
Mon smiled after seeing the last text from her wife...happy that she would be able to see her baby girl in the morning. She couldn't wait!
Author's note;
Hello dear readers, another episode! What did you guys think of this one? Should Mon forgive Sam sooner or punish her a little longer? 🙃 haha share your thoughts and don't forget to vote!! 🥰
As a reminder; English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar errors. Thank you!

Our love
Любовные романыTwo women who found love in each other, trying to navigate through the married life! Sam is the CEO of one of the most well known modeling company in Thailand and Mon is a former model who's now married to Sam! Let's read and find more about these t...