After Irin and Jin left Mon headed upstairs. She needed to have a conversation with her wife. Things were going left and they needed to clear everything out before it was too late!
When she got to their room Sam was sitting on their bed "watching TV" - Mon sighed before grabbing the remote and turning it off!Sam; Why did you do that? I was watching!
Mon; babe we need to talk - she stared at Sam
Sam; Oh, I am babe now? - Mon rolled her eyes
Mon; Sam, please. Let's talk!
Sam; It seems like you are the only one holding things inside Mon. Why don't you share? The way you were talking it seems like you are tired. Tired of what Mon? Me? Our marriage? Please enlighten me - Sam raised her voice a little
Mon; I never said I was tired of our marriage or you! You are miss understanding everything!
Sam; Then what is it Mon? What's been bothering you? - Mon sighed
Mon; it's just... - she stopped and tears started to form in her eyes - I miss work. I love you so much Sam but I feel unhappy every time you leave for work! I'm usually lonely and I often miss being in the studio with my friends. - tears started falling and Sam stayed silently listening - I want to go back to work. I know I agreed to leave it after our marriage but all I want to do is go back to the studio. Even if it's just for a little! I understand you don't like the fact that I will be more exposed to the public eye but I love what I do. I've always had. I'm sorry that I've been keeping it a secret but I just want you to be happy - Sam went closer to Mon and just hugged her while her tears kept on falling -
Sam; Don't cry babe - she caressed Mon's cheeks while cleaning her tears - I'm sorry that I haven't been paying attention to your feelings! I am. - she sighed - I didn't know that you weren't happy and it hurts to know you've been holding this. I love you more than anything my love. Your happiness comes first, always! - Mon cried more after hearing Sam's words - Don't cry, baby!
Mon; I love you! - she kissed Sam passionately
Sam; we can't talk about this more. Okay? - Mon nods her head and kissed Sam again!⚠️🔞⚠️
Sam responded to the kiss by opening her mouth and giving Mon access. Then their hands started to move around each other's upper body. Sam breaks the kiss and then started to unbutton Mon's dress, and when the dress hit the floor she pushed Mon on their bed while she got on top of her. She then took her breasts firmly in her hands which made Mon moan and trough her head back. Sam then started sucking her breast while Mon felt butterflies and could hardly contain herself. She was so excited and wanted to touch Sam and show her everything she was feeling.
Mon gasped when the same hands made contact with her private areas - Sam moved her hands down to her private area and started slowly massaging it and Mon started to moan and plead for me!
Sam; what do you want babe? - she didn't stop what she was doing, instead, she softly kissed Mon!
Mon: stop torturing m... e. aaaaah - mon let a scream out when she felt her wife's fingers going in inside her with full force -
Sam; what did you say? - Sam's finger moved slowly trying to tease the girl -
Mon; m...moree pleaseeeee -Sam switched her fingers and used her tongue. Mon moaned even louder after feeling her wife's soft lips touching her private area. Sam kept licking and playing around that area while Mon screamed and moaned none stop. It excites Sam to hear her wife's scream when she's touching her! She smiled when she noticed that Mon was so close, she switched again using her fingers and applying fast movement in and out. She felt Mon arch her back and moan loudly after reaching her climax!
They were both breathing heavily, Sam lay next to Mon and kissed her forehead.Mon; that was amazing - she looked at her wife and smile - Now it's my turn - she smirked and made Sam soft laugh.
Sam; slow down little lady, I'm not done yet!
Mon; well you can finish after I'm done with you.Mon got on top of Sam smiling and then started to please her wife. It was going to be a long sleepless night - in a good way, of course!
——- The Next Day ———
Mon woke up and stretched her arms - her whole body was sore, a result of a long night with her lovely and naughty wife! She smiled and turn to the other side of the bed only to find it empty. She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. She hates waking up and not seeing Sam next to her but for some reason, it feels like it's been happening more often than she would've liked.
Mon got up and went to the bathroom to clean herself. After she was done she headed downstairs only to find her wife sitting on the dining room table looking at her computer!Mon; what could be more important than your wife to get you out of bed so early on a Sunday morning - she said while hugging Sam
Sam; Our future baby - Sam smiled while turning to Mon and making her seat on her lap.
Mon; Oh really? - she caressed Sam's cheek - I'm jealous already. You already care more for the unborn baby than me - Mon pouted
Sam; you know that's not true - she smiled - would you get mad if I tell you I booked us a flight ticket to the US for next month?
Mon; No - she looked at Sam - I was surprised you didn't book it for tomorrow.
Sam; You want me to? Because I can reschedule everything right now - Mon softly laugh seeing her wife's excitement-
Mon; No babe! One month from now is fine! - she kissed her lips -
Sam; I'm so happy - she smiled - I love you!
Mon: I love you too my love - they both smile while looking at each other. -
Sam; I was thinking, since you are bored at home, how about you start working for me. You know my company is huge and I would love to have you there working as my top mod...
Mon; No Sam! - Mon didn't even let Sam finish the sentence - We are not doing this! If I go back to work I want to work with my old agency!
Sam; And what is so bad about working with me - Sam rolled her eyes not liking the direction the conversation was going -
Mon; because we've talked about this before and you know exactly how I feel. I've been working hard to get where I am today and as soon as I go into your company people will start commenting!
Sam; why do you care so much about other's opinions - she tried to stay calm and not raise her voice -
Mon; because I do, and I'm not like you! They will say you are helping me, and also I don't want my wife as my boss!
Sam: Am I that bad of a boss - she pouted
Mon: you're not! You are amazing, but babe. The whole thing about me being independent is to do things on my own. - Sam sighs
Sam; I know! - Mon hugged her - but I swear if I see any inappropriate pictures I'm shutting down the company - Mon let out a loud laugh
Mon; I know you would. Besides, I won't work full time. I will be looking for small gigs if that will make you happy. We will take on the motherhood role so I want that and our marriage to be the priority! - Mon caressed
Sam; You make me so happy! - she hugged Mon tightly! - I can't wait to have a mini you walking around this house!
Mon: but I want a mini you - she pouted
Sam: you can have both! - Mon smiled - How about we go eat something? What do you want?
Mon: I want you - Mon smirked - is it too early for that? - she teased while moving her hands around Sam's neck!
Sam: Never - Sam laid Mon on the dining table which made Mon let out a cute laugh, and just like that they started their morning with some great energy!Author's note;
Hello dear readers, another episode! How did you like this one? 😆 Should I continue with the story? Please share your thoughts, I would love to hear from you guys!
I would appreciate it if you guys vote and comment!Thank you for reading!
As a reminder; English is not my first language so please forgive me for any grammar errors!
Kisses 😘

Our love
RomanceTwo women who found love in each other, trying to navigate through the married life! Sam is the CEO of one of the most well known modeling company in Thailand and Mon is a former model who's now married to Sam! Let's read and find more about these t...