New start

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"The other Bart must have known that gun takes more than just her powers." Dad scans my body again. "It looks like your doppelgänger did exactly what he planned. If he couldn't have her no one can. Rogue is literally nothing without her powers. She..." Bart gets up. "What? She what?" Dad runs a hand down his face. "She's dying." My ears go back. "No, no that can't be it." Bart grabs my hand." I promise we will find a way to save you. Right?" He looks at my family for answers. "Right!" Dick rest a hand on his shoulder. "We don't know how Luther created her. Well...except for Dr. Stewart we can ask him if there's a way to save Rogue. In the meantime you will stay home until we find a way to fix you, I will let your school know you're ill." Bart squeeze my hand I smile. "See everything will be ok."I fall against him feeling weaker. "Bart." "I'm right here. I'm right here. We need to find the doctor now!" Dick goes to the computer, Bart holds me close in his arms. I can hear the keyboards tapping and the mouse clicking, my brothers are rushing desperately to find the doctor that created me. "I'm taking her to bed." And that's exactly what he did. "La-lay wi-with m-me."he strips out his clothes and lay beside me under the covers. "Bart." "I'm right here, I'm right here." I wrap my arms around him. "I'm tired." He kiss my forehead then cheek. "Get some rest."

I wake up next to Bart who is holding me close. "How did you sleep? You still look tired. "I'm ok, I'm ok." I sit up rubbing my head. My door opens, Dick pokes his head in. "Hey, how is she?" I whimper resting my head on his chest. "She has a headache. She slept for an hour or two. Did you find doctor Stewart?" Dick shakes his head. "He was murdered." Bart moves the hair out my face. "Then what do we do, I can't lose her." He holds me kissing my forehead. "I can't lose you." I look up at him weakly. "It's ok Bart I was never human to begin with." He shakes his head.  "That's not true." I whimper feeling something pulse inside me. My brothers walk in to see me. "Hey sis." Dick kiss my forehead and I whimper. "It hurts." Bart holds me close. "I know baby." Dad walks in. "She only has an hour left to live." Barts eyes light up. "I know how we can save her. "If I can run back in time without disrupting the timeline, I can save her without ruptures in the timeline meaning the past won't be disrupted the only will be Rogue!" Dad thinks and looks at me. "It's risky, but, it might work. Do it." Bart kiss my forehead. "I promise I will fix this. It will be like I never left." He runs off and he's gone. Jason comes in and lays beside me. "Jason." I say weakly. "Don't try to talk preserve your energy. I close my eyes feeling tired.

I wake up feeling energized, my hair is back to it's galaxy look. Bart, my brothers and dad look at me smiling. I look into a small mirror on my bed side, my galaxy colored eyes are back, I'm back! "It worked!" I jump into Barts arms planting kisses all over his face and one on to his lips. "Let it go Jason, let them have this moment. They really do belong together." I pull away and look at dad. "Yes, you can go." My brothers look at dad. "Go? Go where?" Bart stands up. "Back to my timeline, I'm no longer needed here and there's no reason for me to be here. My theory on Rogue is correct, her existence doesn't affect the time line no matter what she do or chooses to do. Rogue also thought it's best for her to come with me to start her own life." Dick wipes away tears. "Of course you two should be together, I'm just going to miss my baby sister!" He pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "Dick she can't breath." He lets me go. "Sorry."

"Ok that's everything. Are you sure the two of you don't want to stay? Like you said she doesn't affect the timeline." Bart smiles. "Missing us already Grayson?" Bert teases then sighs. "Luckily I haven't screwed up the time line but, I'm also missing home. We promise to visit whenever we can." I nod agreeing. I hug each of my brothers and sisters before grabbing my suit cases. "Thank you for taking me in." And with that we leave.

-1 year later-

"Hello? Is anyone here?" The lights burst on and everyone pops up from behind the furniture. Right now we're at the Allen's house. "This was unexpected, thanks guys!" Iris hugs us both. "Its so nice to see you two again, how is everything?" He smiles grabbing my waist. "Everything is great, we actually a surprise of our own." I open my jacket blushing as I reveal my round belly. "Oh my goodness congratulations! How many months?" Bart jumps in. "3 months pregnant with triplets." He says nervously. "So many diaper changing in my future." Barry smiles patting his back. "Don't worry you will get the hang of it. Have you told your dad and the others yet?" Bart and I look at each other his goes completely paled. "Jason is gonna kill me." The door opens. "Hey little sister sorry we're late to the pa- is that what I think it is?" Dick points at my belly and I giggle nodding. "You are going to be an uncle to triplets." Jason pops his head in. "Bart I'm gonna kill you! You got my baby sister pregnant!" Dick pulls me to the side and the chase continues. Ignoring the two, all of us talk about my pregnancy.

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