Chapter - 16

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Mature between the ****


Eda was surprised that she was awake before Serkan but then she didn't know that he had lain awake half the night in case she needed him or had nightmares. She leaned back a little so she could look at his face. He had dark circles under his eyes partially covered by his long thick lashes and Eda realized how worried he was for her. She should get up and make coffee but she had missed him too much.

Serkan felt the little kisses that Eda was dropping on his chest and then her tongue came out to tickle across his nipple. He let out a soft hum of pleasure, "Eda, you're hurt."

"No Serkan you're pampering me still remember?" as she gave a small bite to his pec before licking it and then giving him a love bite.


He let out a low chuckle widening his legs a bit as Eda's hand worked his cock, "I'm pampering you? Then why are you stroking me so good honey?"

"I'm making sure you're ready baby," Eda started to pull him over her and Serkan followed fitting his cock into her warm and wet sheath.

"This isn't too much honey?"

Eda's hands were on his ass pulling him tight watching him, "Never too much baby. Perfect."

"Can I kiss you or does it hurt too much?"

"Never, I'll always welcome your kisses," he framed her face as his lips met hers, tender kisses with little licks of his tongue as he slowly pumped his hips.

It was Eda's turn to hum in pleasure, this morning's lovemaking was slow and passionate. Serkan's kisses set her on fire. When Eda turned her head to gasp with her orgasm Serkan pushed deep, releasing in her and sucking on the tender cords of her neck.

"It might not be normal but I love when you mark me Serkan just like I like doing it to you. You always wear my love bites and I can hardly ever wear yours, this was perfect."

"I can give you more, you have a couple of weeks to heal," he was turned on by the idea.

"Where would you do it?"

"Your breast, right here," he gave her a small one on the top of her right breast.

Serkan moved down and gave her another on the inside of her hip bone that had Eda squirming, "Oh, I like that very much, where else?"

He moved between her legs and gave her one low next to her mound and another next to her labia, "You've thought about this a lot haven't you?"

Kissing his way up and entering her again, "Yes, it's amazing that I can get any work done," he rolled onto his back taking Eda deep.

She tossed her hair back over her shoulder and rode him, his hand covering her breasts, pinching her nipples. Eda was quick to reach her peak, Serkan held his off for a moment watching her as she orgasmed. He held her hips tight pushing into her one last time before releasing.


Eda laid on his chest her lips next to his ear, "You are my medicine. You make me feel whole again because what we share is so beautiful. Marry me Serkan?"

She felt his laugh, "Baby I already asked you a week ago remember?"

"I remember, I just want to do it sooner rather than later. Is that okay?"

He wrapped his arms around her back, careful of her arm when he rolled them to the side, "I have a confession to make love. I already asked my mother yesterday if we could use her yard. She's just waiting on a date from us."

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