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Beckt pov:

"Thank you for bringing me here byee" i said to jennie

"byee i'll pick u up later byee good luck bb" she said and she pinch my cheek before she drive

I was walking in hall when i see a janitor and the other applicants who are insulted him,i walked over them and i said

"ahmm excuse me who are you to insult this janitor??" i said  and I raised my right eyebrow

"its non of your business you jerk" said the girl applicant, i was suppost to punch the girl but the janitor stoped me d...dont fight here o...our boss will come now" said the janitor with a stuttered voice

Freen pov:

When im arrive in my company i saw 4 girls standing right in janitor and i curiously what are they talking about so i I walked towards the part of the elevator so they wouldn't see me, i heard a girl arguing with the others applicants when i'm about to came up when the girl turn her face in my directions so i hurried to hide my face so she was'nt see me,when they all gone i immediately go to my office

[At the office]

"ah good morning ma'am all the applicants are ready" my assistant said with a pleasant smile 

"ah okay Okay let them in one by one" i said in cold tone

"ahmm ms.diane ur first" my assistan said and she closed the door when the girl came in my office

Ohh This is the woman who insulted my janitor earlier, hmmm, let's try

"please seat down" i said in cold voice tone,which is she made nervous

"ah...ah..g..goodmorning m..maam" said dianna her voice are shaking

"get out to my office now!!!" i shouted her and she immediately ran fast out of  my office


All the applicants are supper nervous when they see me,like what the heck im not gonna bitten them because they were so scared, huh?(i smile a litte)

"come in ms.armstong ur last" my assistant said and when i saw the girl my eyes winded i bite my lips try to hide my smile,my assistant closed the door

"hi goodmorning ma'am" ms.armstong said with a pleasure smile

Wait she didnt recognize me? After what I've done her last night -i said to my self

"ahh maam goodmorning" she said agaid and she snap her finger wich is make me back to reality

"goodmorning tho please be seated" i said and And I pointed to the chair,after she sat on chair she handed me her applicants paper,i immediately read it

Hmmm....interesting...oh her name is rebecca patricia armstong thats so long- i said to my self

"ahmm ms.rebecca patricia armstong what us youre nickname because ur name is so long" i said

" can call me becky" she said in sweet voice tone

"oh oky you're hired" i said in cold tone and a little smirk in my lips

"sab(my assistant name)" i said

"yes boss??" said sab

"Oh, teach Ms. Becky what should do every day and please teach her what is forbidden and what is not forbidden in my company. Do you understand? I said in cold tone

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