♡Chapter 17♡

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Becky pov:

Im now having a break time with nop

"becky can i askes you a question?" nop asked me

"yeah sure what is it?" i said while sipping on my milktea

"you didn't tell me the real reason why you cameback here..so...tell me" said nop so i got choked but thank god nop is here to help me


"sorry beck i did mean it" said nop

"no its oky...*/cough²..." i said

"so can you tell me??" he said

"Why your so curious about it?" i asked him

"coz im your bestfriend and cousin duhh.." he said and i chukled he looks gay by his hands movement

"oky come closer i'll tell you" i said

While his face are close as mine i flipped his nose and said

"its none of your business's" i said and i laughed

"haishh!!" said nop as he rubing his nose and looked annoyed

"it's time to work again bye becky see you later" said Nop and got up

"oky byee don't be late again huh" I said and he just make funny face so I wiggle my hand and laughed


Freen pov:

It's the first day going to England with my mama and I felt happy

"bunbun are you ready? " my mama said as she caressed my hand

"yes mama I'm ready" I said excitedly

I say goodbye to Lisa, Engfa,jennie, and Charlotte but they said after 1months they will visit me on England I felt happy

They wave a goodbye and I wave back to


I am now at the plane sitting with my mama(grandma)

I'm so happy because this is the first time we will live both

"bunbun did I mention to you that before I could go in Thailand there's a cute girl who have been kind to me" my mama said and i turned my face on her

"really mama??" I said and she nodded

"I'm pulling my league and she walked towards me and she asked where I'm going to... And you know she call a taxi for me so I didn't late for my flight" my mama said as I rest at her shoulder

"what's her name?" I asked her

"I forgot to ask her but I know her face if I saw her I'll asked her name" my mama said

12 hours later

We arrive at my mama's house and it's big mansion

"good evening ma'am welcome to the mansion" said the guards as I entered at the mansion

"good evening ma'am freen and lady grandmother " all made said it

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