♡Chapter 11♡

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Jeannie pov:

I'm at my house with Lisa she's so cute when she's asleep I took my phone and snap a picture of her

I got up as I got a call from my mom

Mom: where are you jen??

:at my house mom why??

Mom: we are going at your place and me and your dad have something important to tell you

:oh okay mom I just clean my house and the guest room and btw, I have something to tell you too

Mom: okay jen bye see you later darling bye

I ended up our call and I saw Lisa closing the door

"Good evening Mandu who called you?? " she asked me

"my parents are going here so I need to clean the guest room" I said and kiss her cheek

"oh can I helped you I can cooked to if you want" Lisa said and pinched my Cheeked

"oum oky naughty bear " I said with a giggle she smiled at me and gave me a peck on my lips

"oky let's do it" she said

After we settle ll
My parent's are
Arrived at my place

"hi good evening mom" I said and i kiss my moms cheek

"good eve to darling" she said and she looked Lisa and said "uhmm who are you kid? "

"I'm hi po good evening I'm Jennie's..... " I cut her word

"she's my friend mom dad meet lisa" I said nervously

"oh good eve Lisa nice to meet you" her dad said

"take a seat first mom dad" I said and they did

"so mom dad let's eat first the meals are ready" I said

And we go to our dining table and start the conversation

"so Lisa is my daughter are to naughty?? " my dad asked Lisa and Lisa giggled

"yeah sometimes " she said while giggling

"so when did you two know each other?? " my mom asked

"mum actually she helped me to the snatcher if she didn't helped me for sure I'm so sad and angry with that time" I said

"oh interesting is there something between you two?? " said dad and I'm so curious if he know or not

"uhmm dad mom I have important to tell you" I said as my heart beat so fast

"what is it?? " my mom asked me

"actually me and Lisa are in a relationship now I hope u don't get mad at me coz I'm a lesbian" I said and i bowed my head as if Im shy

"that's it?? " my mom and dad asked

"yes that's is" I said and after a few sec I'm shocked

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