🔞Chapter 4🔞

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Charlotte pov:

I'm at the bar drinking alcohol because what my aunty said to me earli'er


"Charlotte please just merry waraha's daughter"aunty nita said

"i said no" i shouted

"please i'm begging you our company on going to bankrupt and the only way to save is marrying waraha's daughter" said aunty nita while sobbing

"i don't even know who's that girl i don't know her personalities and u cannot force me to merry that girl bastard" i shouted and i walked away when i'm near on our front door

"charlotte one question" she said while wipping her tears and i turn around and said

"what now can you please aunty give me some time or day to think about it" i shouted angrly

"if you don't want to merry her,oky fine i will not force u......but u must read this" said aunty nita and she handed me an envelope with some papers on it

After i read it my knees and hand are shaking and i fall down on floor

"so if you can't merry her thats will happen to ur grandma" said aunty nita and she hugged me

"i'll think about it aunty" i said and i cut our hug and i walked out toward's to my car

<End flash back>

I'm so drunk when my phone rang

"ohh its becky and jennie" i said while drinking beer

(i accept the video call)

"hey charlotte where are you??" said jennie with her worried face

"i.......im..in...b..barr.." i said drunkly

"wait for us" said becky and tge video call ended

I went to the comfort room and I threw up in the bathroom and washed my hands while I was washing my hands, I pursed my lips when suddenly a drunk woman entered the bathroom

"oh hi sexy" the girl said(engfa)

Ohhh hii" i said and she walked towards me

"do you want to come with me" she said and i agree

She open that car door for me

"get in" the girl said and i. Sat on passenger seat and she sat on the driver seat and she drive like a craizy women

When were on the hotel the bell boy gave him a card witch is to open the condo door

We enterd to the elevator and the bell boy pressed the highest button



(25floor ting).......

We followed the bell boy and lead the way

...........At her condo........

She pushed me on the bed and took of her clothes and now shes naked..........she walked towards me and kissed my force head down to my lips,nose,cheek and peck on my lips and its so good she unbutton my shirts and unhook my bra then she caressed my breast now im half naked 
She sucked my nipple so i moaned with a pleasure her  right hand went down to my clit and started to rub

"uhmmm......ughh.....yum" i moaned

"wanna go to heaven??" she asked me

"yess pleasee....ughhhhh.." i said while moaning

she started rubbing my clit fast so i moaned loudly "ughhh can u insert it" i said in baby tone

"when you say daddy I will insert my two fingers on ur pussy" she said while smirking

"oky daddy please...." i said i pouted my lips

She insert her two finger on me and i moaned

"ughh....can u please faster it d..daddy...." i said

"oky if you say so" she said and she sped up fingering me

"ughh.......ughhh...ughh.y...ye...yess...th....thats.....so...good..da....daddy..ugh....make me cum...ugh..." i moaned

She kissed me deeply while her Fingger is still on my pussy

"can i eat you tho?" i asked while smirking

"yess you can" she said and switch our positions and now i'm on top 

I kissed her and caressed her breast and now i'm turning like a beast...i insert my three fingers on her pussy and she moaned

"ughhhh......y....you're such a naughty girl" she said and i start finggering her as fast i could and now she's so week now

"i....uhh........ugh.......c....cummingg.....ughhhh" she said and the juice came out to her pussy and i licked it

"mmmm...taste so good.." i said while hugging her

Jennie/becky pov

"uhm hi sir did u see this girl?" becky asked the bartender

"i'm sorry miss but no" the bartender said

"ohh oky thanks" said becky in her worried tone

"its oky beck sit down first" said jennie and she made Becky sit down on sofa

"no..its not oky..i know that she have a problem" said becky

"uhmm...beck can we go home now its so late at night....we can find charlotte tomorrow oky dont worry i think she's fine" said jennie and caressed becky's hair

"what if....someone harass him or raped her..." said becky

"no....that's not gonna happend charlotte is smart one right?' jennie said

"i know she's smart but she's drunk
And know one's know....what if there's she need our help and we cannot help her cuz where here just sitting on couch

"you know what becky....i..i think we have to leave now" jennie said and pulled becky's hand

"no...wait...you can go home now just leave me here oky..."said becky and removed Jennie's hand

"fine i'll just call ur brother to come pick u up" said jennie and walked away

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