♡Chapter 18♡

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freen pov:

My mama want to go the groceries store/supper market and i agreed since its my second here at england and its too boring if i will locked my self at my room right?? Hello im here for vacation


We arrive at the market and i just looked like a normal people because my mama said if i wear a fancy dress/clothes all the snatchers will followed us so i dress like a normal

We arrive at the market and i just looked like a normal people because my mama said if i wear a fancy dress/clothes all the snatchers will followed us so i dress like a normal

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"oh bunbun lets go " said mama and we entered the market

First we go to the pharmacy to buy a medicine for my mama and after that we go to the groceries and buy whatever we need and i want 

I dont know why i felt like im a kid when my mama is here by my side she always spoiled me but im not a spoiled brat

"so the last is to the vegetable area..lets go bunbun" my mama said but i feel that i need to pee  

"mama can i go the bathroom??" i asked her where's the bathroom and she said where i can find it but im too smart so i immediately saw it

Becky pov:

Its saturday and  our dayoff

I am now at the market with nop as aunty had a headache so she cant go as  we need to buy food for a dinner

"so what next beck?" said nop

"lets start with the candies store" i said happily but he looks annoyed

"im just joking...uhmm...lets go the veggies store" i said and he smiled at me

"let's go" said nop

And we walked to the veggies

"hmm what we need...today is uhmm..carrots,eggplant,etc." i said and we look for all the ingredients what we need

While where choosing i saw a familiar face so i walked towards her

"grandma??" i said and i know shes the lady i helped before

"ohh...my child..how are you?" she said and her smiled widely 

"im good grandma..i thought your in thailand you came back so fast" i said happily 

"yeah i came back with my grandchild so i can take care for her" she said

"oiii beckyy why did you leave me their?" said nop

"ohh are you two a couple?" said grandma

"no...no where just cousins..dont you remember him?his the guy who apaired at my back" i said and laugh

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