Chapter 9

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Author: sorry for late update and now i can continue this story sorry for long waiting hope u liked this new chapters

Lets continue

Lisa pov:

I woked up and i stretch my body and got up to my bed

I looked for jennie but i couldn't find her anyway so i go to the bathroom to washed my face


Jennie pov:

I knocked on becky's room and asked her to what happend to her last night

I knocked three times but she didnt open the door so i called her number

She picked up the phone but is was freen's voice


:oh freen where is becky??

:she's with me why??

:oh nothing lets go to the cafeteria and have some breakfast

:oky we will down their

:oky bye

I ended up the call and im so curious why becky and freen slept at the same room

I wonder if they are in a relationship HAAHA probably not

I came back to my room and i saw lisa combing her hair

I hug her from the back and said


"morning too"

She turn her face onto me and hugged me tight

"lets go down they are waiting for us"

"oky mandu"


We arive at the cafeteria and we saw all the guest and the new merried

"ohhh i think there's someting happened last night huh" i said teasing engfa and charlotte

"ohh becky what's on your neck??" i said and im sure its a love bites

"oh...uhmmm...its..a..." said becky trembling as she didnt know what to answer

"its..ahh mosquito bite..." said freen as i saw becky feel relieved

"ohh i see i think its a big mosquito nohh" said lisa teaing freen

"ohh lets order now" said becky changing the topic

"oh oky lets goo!!!" said lisa and she held my hand

Freen pov:

"so freen is there someting happened between you two??" engfa asking me as she looked at me and becky

"" becky didnt let me finish my words as she covered my mouth and shaked her head

"nope there's nothing happened" said becky "right boss freen??" she added and raised her right eyebrow

"yeah theres nothing" i said while holding my laughed becoz of becky's reaction

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