🔞‼️Chapter 19‼️🔞

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Becky pov:

I am at the milktea shop and my boss call me to her office

After we talked i got out his office

But when im going back to my milktea shop someone hugged me and im shocked when she cried

I shook my head and i saw the girl i love she looked at me with her tears rolling down her cheeks

When i was about to leave her she hugged me tightly but i release coz alot of customers looking at us

"becky can we talked?" she said and i agree

"not here lets go their" i said and we walked to the stuff room


"beck..." she said and hugged me again

"what are you doing here freen??" i asked her directly

"becky dont leave me again please im begging you" said freen and hugged me kneeling down

I tried not to cry but it came out she got up and wipe my tears and said

"why did you leave me beck without any reason?" she said caressing my cheeks

"I...i'm....too....a..afraid f...freen" I said as my voice shattered

"afraid of what beck?? " she asked me looking at my eyes but I lowered my head

"I'm sorry freen if I hurt you...im sorry if I left you....sorry freen if im scared...im really really sorry" I said bursting my tears

"Shhh...beck....listen to me it's oky dont be" she said and kissed my forehead

"I really missed you freen" I said leaning at her neck

"I miss you too beck" she said caressing my hair

After that I said to freen why I leave her and why I'm too afraid to tell anyone

I tell her everything

"don't worry Becky I'm here my mom and Jennifer will pay for this" said freen

"oh I need to work now my boss will fired me" I said but she stopped me

"I will never let you worked here" said freen grabbing my wrist

"but I need to.......worked coz we can't eat food everyday" I said but she just kissed me

"if you merry me you dont need to worked and I have a lot money" she said smirking

" I know that but thanks keep it and were not in a relationship right?? " I said as I raised my right eyebrow

"can we start again??? " said freen and pout her lips

Gosh I missed her lips, her touch, her sweet cheesy lines, I missed all of her

"freen....your to cute" I said as i gave her a peck kiss

"are we in a relationship now?are you officially mine now? " she asked smiling and I nodded happily


Freen pov:

I'm so happy because I see becky and she's now mine again

After I heard her story I felt guilty because I can't protect her that day I'm so mad at Jennifer and my own mom she even kidnapped Becky and threatening her they will pay for this

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