Chapter 3 🔞🔞

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Freen pov:

I was washing my hands when suddenly someone came in

"oh boss" said becky while stunning

"hmmm"  i said and i walked towards her "thankyou is not enough for me" i whispered to her ear she looks stun when i said 

"uhh...boss??" asked becky in confuse face

"nothing" i smirked at her  and i walked out

Becky pov:

"i'm done eating i'll go the cr to wash my hand" i said to jennie and charlotte and they just nodded their head

when i went to cr i saw freen washing his hands. Im shocked because i didnt expect her there

"oh boss" i said in shocked voice

"hmmm" she said in low voice and she walked towards me and she said"thankyou is not enough for me" she whispered in my ear,and that makes me stun

"uhh...boss??" i said with a confuse face

"nothing" she said and she smirked at me and she left me before i could speak

Im thinking what happend early'eir im so confuse because in bar the woman said just like no thats maybe a coincidence...

while I was thinking deeply, Charlotte suddenly tapped me on my left shoulder which surprised me

"becky are you oky??" said charlotte

"becky, are you okay, you were stunned, you look like a fool, by the way we are here in front of your house" said jennie and she open the car door for me

" oky im just thinking what happen early'eir "i said while leaving the car

"do you want to go inside?" i said

"no need beck you need to sleep now cuz u have  work tomorrow  right??" said jennie

"oky byee" i said while waving my hand

"byee goodluck tomorrow" said charlotte,


Alarm ring⏰(5a.m)

"heyy becky wake up" said richie

"don't talked to me" i said and i rolled my eye,

I went to the bathroom and took a shower

After i fresh up my self  I went down to the kitchen and i saw richie putting the food on the table

"hey sis i'm sorry i make a breakfast for you,i know u have a work now so eat before you go" he said while pulling the chair for me

"now seat" he said and pulled my wrist and i sat on the chair

"tsk" i said and sat on chair

"you want some coffee?" said richie

"no thanks" i said coldly

"oh..come on sorry...i..ididn't think that i drank much alcohol...please for give me" said richie while  pinching my cheek which is make me smile

"fine i'll for give y-" i didn't finish my word because richie backhug me tight

"thankyou sis...promise i'll never drunk that much" said richie while hugging me

1hour later

At the office

"goodmorning everyone" i said to all my workmates

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