🔞‼️Chapter 14 🔞‼️

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On the other side

Jennie and lisa are started to dating

Jennie pov:

"bear are we not going home yet??" i asked her as i resting at her lap

"hmm maybe 2hours please" lisa said and stroked my hair

"hummm oky...btw,later on becky and char will picked me up" after i said that lisa furrowed her eyenbrows

"why??" she asked me

"hmm i dont know they said we have a bond just three of us....umm please bear just let me with them after all you owe me" i said as i used my cute voice and i pouted

"Oky how can i said no when you used your cute tone...im melting rn" as lisa said that she leaned and kiss me

"ehh..bear stop it" i said while giggling

"why i just want to kissed you" she said and pout her lips

I got up on her lap and i started kissing her as is theres no tomorrow

It's already
1:56 pm

A few minutes i broke our kissed and i saw a fancy car stopped to front of our tent as i knew its char and becky

"jennieeeeeeee!!" char shouted and i open the tent

"what the hell" said lisa with a annoying tone

"hey stop shouting char you are too loud" i said shouting back

"get in jennie" said becky lowiring the car window

"goshh its too early" i said and i got up

"early huh?? Its already 2pm " said becky as she raised her right eyebrows

"bye bear i need to go" as i was about to leave but lisa stopped me and kissed me

"goshh ewww" i heard becky and charlotte said it

"bye mandu call me if you're on trouble" said lisa waving her hand as i entered the backseat


After a few minutes we arive at becky's condo and i dont know what they both planning are

"so lest go inside" said becky opening her door

As we entered charlotte jump on the sofa like a kid

"hey char stop it your look like a kid" said becky while shaking her head

"so what going on?? " I said and we all sat on couch

"umm...lets play truth or dare" said char with her seductive eyes

"yep let's do it so if the coin are head it's dare and if it's back it's a truth is that cleared? " as char said we both agree

"who first? " said char

"oky me first" Becky said raising her hand

"oky...becky truth or dare?" as Char toss the coin and it's head so it's a dare

"so it's dare" said char evilly

"what's on your mind char? " Becky asked

"well I dare you to kiss freen in front of us cause we all didn't see you both you kissing at us" said char

"oky as u say" said becky with a smile

"oii Jennie are you okay??....you looked fool HAHAHA " said char teasing me

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