Chapter 6

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Lucas's pov

Four agonizing hours later, Liam and I had almost all the paperwork done. Rogue sightings have remained low and they have stayed away from our border.
Midnight pack is the second strongest pack of ranking so rogues usually avoid us from a distance unless they are suicidal.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I answered in my Alpha voice "come in".

Liam's mate Rosie peeked through the door
"Hey guys. Is your work unfinished?"

Liam almost flew off his seat to greet his mate and captured her in a hug. Before jealousy could fill my mind the door opened wider to reveal my friend Evelyn.

Evelyn has been my friend since we were pups. She is the daughter of our head warrior and one of our strongest warriors herself. She's also the friend who I had sex with.

We were both drunk when we discussed how neither of us had found a mate and we were sad because of it. I still don't fully understand how we ended up in that state because werewolves have a hard time getting drunk. However, it happened and in the morning we woke up naked from the same bed.

I had the worst hangover of my life, but Evelyn seemed to be quite okey and she didn't seem to mind that we had sex. We agreed that it was a mistake and luckily it didn't affect our relationship.

"Hi Lucas" she hugged me for unnecessarily long but I know she just likes closeness.

"Rosie and I came to ask if you would like to go out with us. Our wolves would like to run."

"What do you say Onyx?" I asked my wolf.

"Whatever." He growled back.

I sighed in my mind. Onyx is the best wolf any Alpha could get. He is a strong, fast and intelligent leader. He is big and as his name suggests, he has onyx black fur and golden eyes.
Too bad he doesn't like me.

Onyx has always wanted his mate as much as I have, if not more, so I'm not exaggerating when I say he's mad that I didn't wait for our mate. For four years he has been really cold towards me.

Everything got worse after we couldn't find her and I got lost in anonymous hookups.
So for the past two years, Onyx has completely closed his mind from me and only comments on things about the pack. In other matters I get answers similar to the previous one, growls or just silence.

Our last argument was when Onyx said that he was afraid that our mate would reject us because of our reputation. I didn't listen, I just scoffed at the whole idea of being rejected.
My mate would reject me? Doesn't my reputation among women already show that everyone wants me.

"Let's just go" I sighed.

"But before that, I want to remind Evelyn that in two days we will go to the Crescent Moon pack to negotiate the alliance. Would you tell your dad to choose two warriors for our journey?"

"Of course. Hey, isn't that pack's Alpha's sister the one who lost her wolf in the rogue attack a few years ago?" Evelyn asked.

"Yeah, a sad case. She was only 16 years old. I don't know what I'd do without my own wolf.." Rosie answered glumly. Liam was immediately comforting his mate.

"I also heard that she is said to be really beautiful. But of course not as beautiful as my Rosie" Liam buried his head in Rosie's neck who started to giggle.

We've all heard about Alpha Ethan's mystical sister and her fate. The Crescent Moon pack is distantly related to the Moon Goddess and for some reason this causes more rogue wolf attacks than normal.

But I have to say that this beautiful shewolf everyone is talking about interests me.

"She must be weak without a wolf, yet she is still called Alpha. I think she should be demoted to an omega or even just a human," Evelyn said.
As the daughter of a head warrior, she always thinks only of strength and power.

"Well if she really is as beautiful as they say I may make an exception and try my luck with her" I said with a sly grin.

A warning low growl filled my mind but I didn't care. Liam looked at me blankly, Rosie looked disappointed and Evelyn annoyed.

"What's wrong with you all, a little fun doesn't hurt anyone! Let's go already" I exclaimed while running out of the office.

When I got to the edge of the forest, Onyx immediately transformed, tearing my clothes at the same time "nice Onyx, they were brand new!" I shouted.
Surprisingly I didn't get any answer, but Onyx blocked me and went running with his friends.

We ran and wrestled each other for a couple of hours before returning home.
I gave Liam the rest of the day off and finished the rest of the paperwork myself regarding the negotiation with Crescent Moon.

When I finished everything I was completely ready to just go straight to bed. I crawled into my room and took off my clothes next to the bed, after which I collapsed on the bed.
My thoughts returned to Alpha Ethan's sister. What she's like? Is she really the most beautiful of all as many claims? How come so many people know about her but almost no one knows her more closely..

Soon sleep began to weigh on my eyes and the last thought before I fell asleep was

"Let's see if you can resist me beauty"

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