Chapter 9

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Valeria's pov

I woke up early the next morning to do my morning workout before the guests arrived. I need to leave enough time to shower and get ready.

Yesterday I tried once again to tell Ethan and my parents that my presence is not needed at the meeting but everything fell on deaf ears.

So here we are at 5 in the morning leaving for training. I took my dagger with me and jumped into the car.
Fortunately the human gym is not very far from our pack, so I can work out for a couple of hours.

Later when the training was over I did some stretching. Suddenly I felt someone squeeze my ass and a second later I had him in a wristlock.

"Keep your hands to yourself asshole!" I hissed at him.

"Aarh let go let go!" I could see he wasn't far from crying.

I shook my head and pushed him away.

"You should show respect to others. Next time think carefully about what you're doing and to whom, someone else won't necessarily let you off the hook so easily." I glared at him.

I grabbed my things and marched out. I can't stand men like that. Self-absorbed egotistical assholes who assume all women want them and this gives them the right to do whatever they want. Argh!

Speaking of selfish assholes, I glanced at the clock and hurried back home. I ran straight to my room and slammed the door.

"Great, I'm already in a bad mood before the meeting has even started.." I mumbled to myself as I dragged myself into the shower.

After the shower I dried my hair straight and put on tinted moisturizer. I don't use any other make-up because my eyebrows and eyelashes are naturally dark and beautiful.
I chose neat, casual clothes and glanced in the mirror. Yep looks good enough and the shirt covers my scar well.

When I arrived in the kitchen, everyone was already having breakfast.

"Morning Val, how did the training go?" Dad asked.

"Good until some idiot decided to grab me."

All the males growled in annoyance but I cut them off.

"Oh stop that, you know very well that I can take care of myself. I left the jerk with the sprained wrist to mend his wounded ego." I stated proudly.

The men were still sulking and the women were laughing. I just smiled and ate my breakfast.

The men in my family still treat me like a little princess and don't want to accept that I no longer need them to defend me.

"So how long will this meeting last? I would like to be able to continue my own things as quickly as possible." I asked Ethan.

"Well first we welcome the guests and before the negotiations we eat lunch together and get to know each other at the same time. I would like you to dine with us. You can even make new friends out of them." Ethan said.

"Fine, let's see" I answered in an unamused voice.

Soon we were in the yard waiting for our guests. I talked with my mother, Mila and Emily, while my father and my brothers talked with a few warriors about the security arrangements because rogue sightings have been made near our borders again. I hate those vile creatures.

"The guards announced that Alpha Lucas is arriving." Ethan said and the girls moved to their mates. I stayed behind with the warriors.

After a few minutes we saw how two cars appeared along the forest road and came towards the packhouse.

Two warriors got out of the first car and remained on guard waiting for their Alpha.
The door of the second car opened and a young man and a blond haired woman stepped out.

The man has to be Beta Liam based on his appearance and he is quite handsome. The woman greeted the warriors and seemed to be in the condition that she could be a warrior too but even from a distance I can see that she thinks she is above the others.

My thoughts were interrupted when the back door of the car opened and the wind carried an intoxicating scent to me and I immediately knew what it was, thanks to my strong sense of smell. I covered my scent and cursed in a low voice

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I wanted to tear my hair out and run away. This can't be true!

"Honey what's wrong, why did you hide your scent?" My mom asked through mindlink so that our whole group could hear.

"I came to the conclusion that the Moon Goddess must really hate me because this fucking player Alpha happens to be my mate!" I growled back through our mindlink.

I could feel everyone getting excited even the warriors so I cut their joy short

"Don't even start! I am not happy about this at all! You know how I feel about Alpha Lucas and on top of that I can smell the human woman's stench in him all the way here. So nobody says a word about this until I give the sign okay?" I raged at everyone. I was so angry! How can this happen to me after everything I've been through..

Everyone noticed my change in mood so Ethan and Aaron decided to comfort me.

"Don't worry sis we'll take care of you" Ethan said in my mind.

"We love you sis I'd be happy to beat him for you" Aaron added.

"Yeah right Aaron even I can beat you" I laughed at him.

"But thank you, I appreciate your support and I love you guys. I'm also sorry that I shouted at you but I can handle this myself. It's time to bring that idiot back to earth and you can help me do that." I grinned at everyone.

"Keep the mindlink open and we'll interrogate this Alpha boy a bit." I nodded to everyone and we focused again on our guests who were soon with us.

It's annoying to admit, but even from behind everyone I can see that my mate is real eye candy, damn that body is hot. He is also extremely handsome. Too bad he's a slimy self-absorbed jerk otherwise.

"Let's start the game." I linked to others.

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